
Interview with Mana © Midi:Nette


Interview with Mana

In the V.I.P corner of the French event Japan Expo 2004, we had the opportunity to meet and interview Mana, the one who everybody was talking about since his appearance at the Expo was confirmed. This was the first time that Mana was interviewed by someone outside of Japan.

Kisaki Project feat. Jui Interview © JaME


Kisaki Project feat. Jui Interview

One day after Kisaki project's first concert abroad at Le Trabendo in Paris, we met Kisaki and Jui in their hotel for a short interview.

Top 44 Albums from 1989 - 1998 © JaME


Top 44 Albums from 1989 - 1998

A poll of the 44 most important albums from 1989 - 1998, taken from the magazine Band Yarouze

Short interview with BLOOD in Paris © cure


Short interview with BLOOD in Paris

After their first concert in Europe, we were able to interview Kiwamu and Fu-Ki of the band BLOOD.