
Interview with Satsuki & Kaya in Moscow

12/03/2012 2012-03-12 00:01:00 JaME Author: Haruko

Interview with Satsuki & Kaya in Moscow

After the show in Moscow we talked to two well-known visual kei vocalists about their coupling tour, latest releases and former bands.

© JaME - Aliisa Mouganova
Both Satsuki (ex-RENTRER EN SOI) and Kaya (ex-Schwarz Stein) are known for their work with heavy rock visual kei bands, but have branched into new projects. Their coupling European tour kicked off on February 19th. In the course of it they visited Russia, the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Poland. During the first stop in Moscow we met two famous vocalists to discuss their shows, music, plans for the future and many more. They shared with JaME what made them tour together, as well as their dreams and regrets.

Good evening, thank you for taking time to answer our questions. Please tell us, how did you come up with the idea of this coupling tour?

Satsuki: We decided it would be interesting to do something together. Both of us are in constant search for beauty in this world and try to spread it around us.

Kaya: I’ve only been in Paris and Moscow before but I’ve always wanted to visit more countries, to make a world tour. I, Satsuki, and his friend met and talked about various things. It appeared that Satsuki also wanted to perform overseas, and that’s how the concept of the tour was born. As we are two vocalists, we decided to do it together.

Do you plan to perform together in Japan?

Satsuki: Yes, maybe some day. Maybe we’ll even release a CD.

Did you prepare something special for the tour? A duet, or a special song maybe?

Satsuki: In the encore I sing Kaya’s song, he sings mine. We’ve never done anything like this in Japan, so I guess it’ll be interesting.

Why did you choose to be musicians?

Kaya: When I was about three years old, there was a very small festival in my small hometown. I was told: “Come on, you should definitely try singing!” Standing there under the spotlight I realized I wanted to be a vocalist and sing for people.

Satsuki: Previously, I was inspired by the music of other people, it always gave me power. So at a certain point of my life I thought it was time for me to encourage listeners with my own music.

If you weren't musicians, what career would you choose?

Kaya: (thinks) I’d probably become a fashion designer, or a make-up artist. Today I did the make-up myself! I love doing such things.

Satsuki: (in English) Teacher. (Continues in Japanese) Teacher of English and Japanese.

Why did you want to go overseas?

Kaya: Since early childhood I dreamt of performing overseas, I wanted to sing for the international audience. Fans always send me messages via Twitter, Ameba, and the website: “Please, Kaya-san, come to our country! We are waiting for you!” So once I thought “Hey, why not?” and set off for the tour.

Satsuki, in a few days you’ll release FATE / INSIDE, your new digital single. Could you please tell us more about it?

Satsuki: Now I’m working on my first full-length album. So I released this single to give my fans the opportunity to have a sneak peek at what’s coming.

When do you plan to release the album?

Satsuki: I think, not earlier than Christmas. A long time to wait.

Kaya, please tell us more about your single Vampire Requiem, which was recently released in Europe.

Kaya: I always wanted to do something like this; I love vampires and their aesthetics. I told HIZAKI about it and he composed the music for me. When I first listened to it, I instantly realized the single would be very good. I was right (smiles).

Satsuki, you collaborate with KISAKI for his KISAKI PROJECT. Why did you decide to join him?

Satsuki: We've known each other for a very long time, since our previous bands, I think. We always wanted to do something together, and now we've finally managed to do it.

How about Moon Stream, your American project?

Satsuki: Unfortunately, we haven’t released anything yet, but we want to! I also hope we’ll have a chance to perform in America again.

Kaya, many of your songs are based on your short novels. Do you plan to gather all of them and publish a book?

Kaya: Well, maybe some day… If I get a request.

Is there a person you want to work with?

Satsuki: If it were possible, I’d like to meet Alexander McQueen at least just to talk to him.

Kaya, last summer you revived Schwarz Stein for one night. Do you want this band to come back fully?

Kaya: I do love Schwarz Stein, and not only because I’m its vocalist. Nevertheless, I think the comeback is impossible now. I’m on good terms with Hora, sometimes he helps me with music for my songs, but he doesn’t like being onstage, he feels uncomfortable. He prefers to compose music.

How do you usually get ready for the show?

Satsuki: (takes a Red Bull can, points at it and says in English) Please, drink Red Bull (laughs). (Continues in Japanese) I always drink it before the show to get more energy.

How do you relax after the show then?

Satsuki: I watch movies. For example, I really liked "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo."

What countries would you like to visit?

Satsuki: I wanted to visit Russia and finally I did it. And I also want to go to France.

Kaya: (thinks) I’d like to return to Moscow as an ordinary tourist to leisurely stroll through the city.

You didn’t have any time for that?

Kaya: Alas! We had a rather tight schedule. Though two years ago during my first visit to Russia I was on the Red Square. Usually it’s very difficult to find time for sightseeing or walking around during a tour.

Satsuki: I was only in a supermarket (laughs).

Satsuki, it’s your first visit to our country, what are your impressions?

Satsuki: Delicious borsch (laughs).

Not too long ago we celebrated St. Valentine’s Day. What do you think of this holiday?

Satsuki: Personally I’m rather indifferent about it, so I didn’t do anything special. But on this day I’m always a little excited thinking “I wonder if anyone will give me chocolate” (smiles).

Imagine yourself in five years, what do you think you will be like?

Kaya: Five years? (thinks) Well, I've got a lot of interesting projects in my mind, but it's a secret for now (smiles). I want to do things no one has done before.

Satsuki: Oh, I hope to do a world tour by that time.

If you had an opportunity to come back in time, would you change anything?

Satsuki: Hmm… I think I would. I wouldn’t let RENTRER EN SOI disband.

Imagine you have three wishes. What would you wish?

Satsuki: (laughs) Good question. And difficult, I cannot think of anything at the moment.

Kaya: The first wish – world peace. The second one – to stop child and animal abuse. I want everyone to have a place to go, food to eat and a warm bed to sleep in. And the last one – I want to give a concert at a huge concert hall in front of fans from all over the world.

Please give a final message to your fans.

Satsuki: Thank you all for reading JaME and this interview. Please come to our shows and let’s rock together. Thanks for your constant support. I promise I’ll come back!

Kaya: I want to thank JaME because many of my present fans knew about me and my music via your web site. And of course I want to say thank you to all the fans – your support is amazing. I promise to do my best and to make everyone happy with the help of my music!

JaME would like to thank Kaya, Satsuki, the management and Vladislav Lubimov (Squall Company) for making this interview possible, as well as Sayaka Kamada for the translation.

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