
A Chat with the Anonymous Confederate Ensemble: A (ACE)

15/07/2012 2012-07-15 00:01:00 JaME Author: LuCioLe & Gin

A Chat with the Anonymous Confederate Ensemble: A (ACE)

The pirates of A (ACE) – Anonymous Confederate Ensemble – talk about their origin, music, and their first-ever European tour.

Having recently released their single, Night Of The Knights, and their album, Tales for the Abyss, the pirates of A (ACE) were willing to chat with JaME before setting sail for the Old Continent for their first European tour.

Hello, can you please introduce yourselves?

Nimo: Hello, I’m Nimo, the part of A’s crew responsible with enchanting your ears and winning your hearts with my voice.
Rookie: Hi, I’m Rookie, the man with the violin, but not just that. Nice to meet you.
Toshi: Hello everyone, I am Toshi. But please feel free to call me “Fire Bass,” too.

How did the band form? How did you meet together?

A: We came into this world without knowing what waits for us in the future. We grew and eventually fate brought us all together under one name, one dream, one purpose. We met because we had to. We formed A because in each of us was a part of the same ideal. Putting those parts together makes us stronger, makes us what we are.

How did you choose the name A (ACE) – Anonymous Confederate Ensemble – ? Is there a special meaning behind it?

A: If we would tell you that, then all of our secrets would come out and well…then we wouldn’t be an Anonymous Ensemble…right?

You call yourselves Anonymous Confederate Ensemble, but you also use the letter A or A (ACE). Which is the correct way to write down the name of your band?

A: A is the correct way to write it, and it is pronounced as ACE.

Could you explain the band’s concept? Why did you choose a pirate concept for your band? Is it something you will preserve, or do you plan to change it in the future?

A: We are now on journey all over the world to obtain various treasure and the hearts of our Hearties (the name given to their fans). Pirates are free souls that travel around the world, taking whatever they consider is of value for them and incorporating them in their existence: into looks, into music, into their behavior. For this we chose this life, too, to go find our treasure and take our Hearties’ hearts. Choosing the life of a pirate means going on a path from which you can’t really go back. Once you get used to absolute freedom it’s hard to start complying with everyday rules, wouldn’t you agree?

One of your members, according to your site, is "travelling" now. What do you mean by that? Will he come back to the band? Or do you plan to recruit some new member to your crew?

A: Mucho Gracias is now travelling. So only he knows how long his journey will be and where his path will take him.

Where are you from? Did that place influence your music?

A: We are Anonymous Confederate Ensemble. We are from everywhere, the same as our music. Every place, situation, person, and object plays a role, and is an influence in the music we make. The treasure we choose to become a part of us we give back for the world to enjoy.

What makes you special among other visual kei bands? Is it the fact that you have a violinist in your band? Rookie Fiddler, why did you choose to play this instrument and why did you decide to use it in a rock/visual kei band?

A: The sound of a well-played violin embodies pure emotion. Since we are pirates I would dare to compare the sounds a violin can make to traveling on the wide ocean. Sometimes it's low pitch, whispering like the wind and warm like the rays of the sun on a peaceful day. Then it can get higher and higher until the pitch is so high, that you get the feeling of entering a storm; the wind gets mad, everything goes on at a quick pace, but just before you reach the point where you think nothing else can stops and gets silent...and then whispers again like a sweet Heartie singing you a lullaby to sleep. Combining the sound of a violin with elements of rock music is just another way to turn something familiar into something new. We do just that, and more.

If you had one song in your repertoire to recommend to someone who has never heard you, what would it be?

A: Night Of The Knights! Because it is a song that combines perfectly all of the elements that make A what it is. If you haven’t listened to it yet, please do! We’re sure you will like it!

One of your albums, White Album, was dedicated to the musical influences from different countries. What are your influences?

A: As we said before, we get influenced by many things, but one thing is for sure: you’ll definitely feel how Japanese passion flows inside of these songs.

Which country’s music was the most difficult to cover?

A: All and none at the same time. You see, when you take or “borrow” something, you want that thing because you like it. Same thing goes with our music, when we like something, we absorb it inside of our hearts, our minds. We meditate upon it, let it merge with our souls, desires, wishes… and then we let it come out under the form of our music. Sometimes this process takes just a few moments…sometimes longer, but when you do something with passion nothing is hard.

How would you describe your newest release, the album Tales for the Abyss?

A: Tales of the Abyss is another step in A’s journey. It contains, as all our releases do, the things that make us what we are. Our feelings, experiences, and thoughts…they all came out under this form and we just gathered them. So now, in exchange for your loyalty and hearts, our dear Hearties, we give these songs to you.

You will be playing for the first time in Europe. This is your first time abroad as a band, are you excited to be playing for an overseas audience?

A: Yes, of course. We are all excited and we wish to see as many people as possible, joining us on our journey. Since you can’t claim something you don’t know or possess, we can’t say much yet about the European audience, but we kindly ask all of you to help us and share with us the most valuable things you have. We want to be together with all of you, meet you all, laugh and have a jolly time together.

The name of your European tour is Absolute Conquest of Europe. Do you think your music can conquer the hearts of the European fans?

A: We’re sure it will. One of the advantages our music offers is that it is easy to digest for anyone. The mixture of elements that it contains goes not only to one’s ears and mind, but also to one’s heart and, with or without realizing it, it awakes something in every heart, a memory, a feeling. We put all our love into our music and we’d like to believe that the people listening to it feel this love. Since we give you our hearts, how could we not conquer hearts in return?

What do you expect from upcoming European tour? Which country you want to visit most?

A: We’re excited about every single place we’re going to visit since every corner of this world has its beauty and its own treasures. We want to make great shows and see people enjoying every moment of them and every moment with us.
Nimo: I like sweets. And in France I will definitely taste French crêpes.
Toshi: I’m very curious about the pizza you have.
Rookie: I want hearts!!!

At some of the concerts you will play with Anli Pollicino. Do you know each other? How is the relationship between your bands?

A: Anli Pollicino is our friend and we are excited to perform together for you. We are looking forward for the shows and we promise to give it our best to make every show the best you’ve ever seen.

Can you please give a message to our readers?

A: This is our first time going abroad to perform. We are looking forward to seeing a lot of Hearties in Europe, so come meet us and let’s have fun together. See you soon !

JaME would like to thank A and Paula of Kanzen Music for having made this interview possible.

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