Live Report


30/07/2012 2012-07-30 00:01:00 JaME Author: Mani


A colourful pop show full of humour

© King Records
Yui Horie, singer and seiyuu (voice actress), gave on April 27th an additional live for her SECRET MISSION TOUR, which was organized for the promotion of her eighth album, Himitsu, released in February. Fans, predominantly men, hurried up and entered the Tokyo International Forum. Some of them were wearing a jacket with the name of the artist, others had just the tour's towels, and some wore hairbands decorated with two green stars and would play the role of fairies of the forest in the musical-styled show. The live was built as a musical, songs connected to the story. Yui Horie had to help the creatures living in the forest – fairies and animals – to fight against an evil force that stole world's colors and changed them into robots.

YAHHO!!’s intro started and the audience, already hot, repeated the song’s title while shaking their fluorescent sticks, calling for the artist who arrived with eight dancers dressed up as animals. The ambiance remained high for the second title, Love Countdown.

Then, the first act took place: Yui Horie, who was on her way to the hall, was actually lost in a forest. Eco-chan, a fairy, appeared in front of the singer and asked for her help. Indeed, the voice of Horie would have the power to fight against this dark force, in particular if she was supported by other fairies – fans who wore the hairband. “Aren’t they goods?” she said surprised, making everyone laugh.

The second set was launched by Lovely Everyday. Fans threw their glow-stick-armed fists in the air on the heavy beat of this electro song. The disjointed singing in CHILDISH♡LOVE♡WORLD was emphasized by a powerful drum. Then, robot enemies came and struck Yui Horie, who lost consciousness, and kidnapped Eco-chan.

It was now night and the singer woke up near a campfire. Animals explained that she had slept for three days, and Yui Horie was worried about the fact she spent so much time in the same clothes! Then, she started singing Himitsu ~Kimi wo miteta~, a piano and violin ballad which fit the sadness linked to the kidnapping of Eco-chan. After the final instrumental part, spectators applauded warmly. Endless Star’s rhythm was faster, waking up the audience and giving courage to the animals again.

The protagonists decided to go save Eco-chan and went to the enemies’ place. Darkness took over the hall before a very addictive electro beat started, making us think of video games. Lights went on again and revealed a new stage setting. We were no longer in a forest but in a more industrial place, a pixelized fortress appearing on the screen behind the stage.

When the music ended, Yui Horie and her friends came back and appeared among the spectators’ seats, in a true infiltration mission. Although everyone should have remained silent, a phone rang. The artist got angry, even if she was thankful the ringing was one of her songs! Silence returned, until two spectators started to speak about what was going to happen then. Damnation! The five buddies were spotted and Yui Horie was captured!

When she recovered consciousness, she was locked up in a cell guarded by an evil blue bear. He started to speak about what kind of functions would be added during the robotization of the singer. An alarm clock that would go crazy if she did not wake up immediately? Such a thing already existed. An application to know in real time the currencies rates? The same. Yui Horie said that she checked this application everyday, dreaming to go on holiday abroad. A Wi-Fi spot? Well, it would be on her head and she should not move, if someone downloads any application…The evil teddy bear made his decision and took all of these applications!

Robot Yui Horie appeared and started to sing Vanilla Salt. Electro music was well matched with the two mirror balls on both right and left sides of the stage and the grey costume of the artist. Coloring sounded like a Mario video game remix, staccato music and clipped singing giving a retro aspect to the song. We stayed in the past with the electro dance title Mitsumeraretara ~when I fallin' love with you. It was with the following song, Kirei na kaze ga fuiteiru, that the singer realized she had become a robot and disappeared from the stage.

The action then focused on the four animals who found Eco-chan and freed her. She said that the only way to save Yui Horie was that every fairy – the fans – should dance together. Here started the choreography training for the next song, Scramble. The singer wore this time a dress of several pastel colours. The set was very colourful and the fans were into music, shouting and making the hall shaking.

Then, it was time for the entrance of the instigator of the evil plan, Miss Monochrome, her name coming from the fact she wants a black and white world. The young girl, appearing as a hologram, interpreted Monochrome. However, the most amazing song of all the evening was Immoralist. The changes of rhythm were really interesting and catchy, Yui Horie singing quite high notes and showing her total mastery. The audience enjoyed themselves to the fullest. It was with this song and the following one, Hikari, that Yui Horie defeated Miss Monochrome and the big blue teddy bear, and the captives were freed.

However, the forest did not yet recover its colours and the artist asked the fans if they still had enough energy and sang a last set. Multicoloured streamers were launched for Lady Go!. Himitsu ~Machiawase~ concluded the show, cotillions twirling on the stage. At the end of the song, everyone gathered and bowed to the cheering audience before leaving the stage.

On the screen Eco-chan appeared, colouring the world. Fans had not asked for an encore but Yui Horie was back. This time she just wore the tour T-shirt and a white skirt. She addressed the crowd, thanked them for coming – or coming again for some of them. She said that she had wanted to change some songs for this additional live, but it was quite difficult because each of them had a well-defined function.

The audience chose two of the four titles of the encore, I wish and Love Destiny, during which the crowd went crazy. In the last song, Happy happy*rice shower, all the actors came back and bowed. Yui Horie thanked her fans one last time, asking those who wore a headband to go back with them. The audience applauded before leaving the hall and heading for the train, without forgetting to make a stop at the goodies’ stand.

Even though it would have been great if the screen had shown not only visualizations but also the singer and her dancers, Yui Horie gave a true performance with a quite childish story but full of humour and based brilliantly on her pop songs.

Set list :

01. YAHHO!!
02. Love Countdown
03. Lovely Everyday
05. Himitsu ~kimi wo miteta~
06. Endless Star
07. Vanilla Salt
08. Coloring
09. Mitsumeraretara ~when I fallin' love with you
10. Kirei na kaze ga fuiteiru
11. Scramble
13. True truly love
14. Monochrome
16. Immoralist
17. Hikari
19. daisy
20. Lady Go !
21. Himitsu ~Machiawase~

E1. kiss to you
E2. I wish
E3. Love Destiny
E4. Happy happy*rice shower
