Live Report


17/08/2012 2012-08-17 00:01:00 JaME Author: Non-Non


vistlip celebrate their five year anniversary with high energy and laughter.

© vistlip
It was a usual July day in Tokyo. There was the usual combination of heat, humidity and dark overhanging clouds threatening a downpour at any moment. With it being July 7th—Tanabata, the Star Festival—Japanese people had written their wishes on long pieces of paper and hung them on bamboo trees. Looking at them flickering in the wind I found myself wondering how many would come true.

TOKYO DOME CITY HALL is a semicircle-shaped venue, with the stage in the middle surrounded by one floor of standing space and three balconies. On stage was a screen with numbers flashing, to which the audience began clapping and counting together. With a loud “Are you ready?” the background music changed to a faster tempo and vistlip members appeared on the upper stage.

The live started with B. The vocalist, Tomo, sang with his sweet, soft voice, and fans raised their hands, waving them forwards and backwards with the music. “Let’s enjoy Tokyo!” The catchy pop song RETRO began, and fans danced and sang, “I like you very much!” together. In XEPPET, Tomo shouted in his death voice and guitarist Yuh played a free guitar solo. the surface[Re:birth] started with Tohya on drums, and fans jumped and headbanged in unison in the flashing light. Also, guitarist Umi rapped in his death voice and Yuh showed off his quick guitar skills.

vistlip is five years old. Today, let’s celebrate together!” Smoke was shot out onto the stage during the wonderland from LAB., and fans headbanged and jumped with the heavy rhythm. When closed auction started with Rui’s bass and Tohya’s drums, the live heated up even more. flash back blanky had a chaotic mood, in which Tomo and Umi shouted in death voices, and the next song, Mr. Grim, changed the mood yet again. Fans raised up their hands, jumped and headbanged wildly. In Drama Queen fans spun around their towels with the music, and in SINDRA they pumped their fists up and shouted together. I could really feel the power of these songs; they don’t let you take a breath. With each song change I could feel the mood change with it: from a psychedelic mood to a poppy bright mood, and then into something really heavy. Very stimulating and fresh, always fulfilling fans expectations.

In a short interval, Tomo looked around the audience in the arena seats and in all of the balconies, then began talking. He told us that Tohya designed his drum head with the shape of a panda and bamboo grass for this special day (the Star Festival). Members took turns talking to fans and they were very friendly, so with that the mood became very peaceful.

Then with “I made this song for you,” PERFECT CRIME came with bright, catchy melodies, followed by Recipe, in which a beautiful blue sky was projected on the screen with great guitar playing. Yuh played the guitar as he swung his body rhythmically, while Umi played his guitar as he squatted down at the front of the stage. Tohya hit the drums lightly and Rui played his bass heavy and low. Dead Cherry followed after and members walked around on the stage freely, enjoying the live together with fans. Then in Gizen MASTER, members ran around the stage, and fans raised their fists and jumped along to the heavy rhythm. “Show your smiles!” In Hameln, pink and green light illuminated the audience’s faces, and you could actually see happy smiles all over the venue.

The members left the stage and background music made by Tohya, based on vistlip’s songs, played from the speakers. The words “Have a break” and toilet images were projected onto the screen, making people laugh. When the audience began to clap their hands to the music, suddenly Umi’s photos appeared on the screen. Among the many pictures were some of him putting on his make-up and some without make-up, which caused more laughter in the audience. Finally, the words “Umi will solo debut!” appeared on the screen. That, of course, surprised fans. Then “Just joking!” appeared on the screen, making the audience burst into laughter. Later, Tohya confessed that he copied Umi’s photos from the band’s Ameba blog, but Umi was very embarrassed and annoyed about it. We felt sorry for Umi, but he is a great guy and fans enjoy teasing him as they like who he is so much. vistlip often have this kind of thing in their lives and fans seem to enjoy it.

The second half of the live started with Troy. Underneath the laser beams stretching out from the stage, fans jumped to the heavy up-tempo rhythms. In EVE, Tomo and Umi shouted in death voices, and Rui played the bass heavily. Tohya hit the drums while shaking his head wildly and Yuh played a guitar solo freely in the interlude. From here, entrance of NIGHT PARADE flowed naturally into Night Parade. On stage fires billowed, and fans headbanged and jumped to the rhythm.

Rui, who is very much a gentle character and also a mood maker in the band, made the happy, bright song, Little Fable, and requested Tomo to sing it with his choreography. After such a heartwarming scene, the mood changed with the following heavy song, FIVE BARKIN ANIMALS. The mood was chaotic: techno pop and a raspy rap in a death voice were mixed together with psychedelic guitar sounds. Fans spun their towels around and jumped together. In LION HEART, smoke billowed up on the front stage and fans pumped up their fists to the heavy rhythm. Then, quite unexpectedly, Umi’s photo appeared on the screen once again, followed by the words “We got you, Umi!! Surpise!!”

“So many people came to see us tonight. We could do the live like this because we, vistlip and fans, understand each other. That’s what we have aimed for these five years. We make songs putting in our thoughts and you listen to our songs. You move your minds by reading my lyrics. It makes me want to continue what we do.”

Then ORDER MADE started quietly with strings and Tomo’s gentle voice. Yuh’s guitar sounds rang mighty and it developed into a grand ballad. The music spread beyond the space and flowed into our hearts. “What shall we pray for this year?” In -OZONE-, people raised their fists accordingly to the bright melody, and again happy smiles could be seen all over the venue. Silver tape was shot into the air and it fell down onto the audience.

“We have been through many things these five years and you are still with us, which I think is a miracle. We’ll sing this song and pray for that to continue every year.” Then July VIIth began, with stars and lyrics written by Tomo projected onto the screen on stage. “We wish we could see you this day every year.” Fans waved fluorescent lights in the air to clear guitar and gentle piano sounds. “Thank you very much for today.” Members talked about the concert’s impression one by one. Then the live ended with them lining up, holding hands and jumping!

Set list:

1. B
4. the surface[Re:birth]
5. the wonderland LAB.
6. closed auction
7. flash back blanky
8. Mr. Grim
9. Drama Queen
12. Recipe
13. Dead Cherry
14. Gizen MASTER
15. Hameln
16. Troy
17. EVE
entrance of Night Parade
18. Night Parade
19. Little Fable
20. Five Barkin Animal
23. –OZONE-

En1. July VIIth


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