
Interview with Han Hee Jung

17/11/2010 2010-11-17 14:14:00 JaME Author: Gobbie Translator: Gobbie

Interview with Han Hee Jung

Come and join KoME on our journey to the wonders of singer song writer, Han HeeJung

© Pastel Music
She is perhaps the most well known singer song writer in Hong-dae also known as Hong-dae queen. Her poetic words, calm yet reminiscing voice serenades listeners into wonders. Come and join us as Miss Han takes us on a new journey with her recent album, Cruel Travel.

Please introduce yourself to our readers.

Hello, This is Han Hee Jung.

You are also known as Dawnyboom, how did that nickname come about?

That is my website address which has been inspired from nickname 'dawn'.

Dawnyboom, what does dawn mean to you?

Most conscious, awake hour..something like that.

Other well known female vocalists use stage names which brings me to ask have you ever considered a stage name rather than your real one?

Initially I wanted to use somewhat abstract name but could not think of one at the end. Therefore I decided to use my real name and then characterise it.

Congratulations on your new album’s release – ‘Cruel Travel(잔혹한 여행)’. By the way, the title is so interesting for combination between two words. Many people think travel is just a delightful break apart from normal life, isn’t it? How did you come about it?

If my previous album – ‘Connection(끈)’ is a song about relationship with people specially our lover, but ‘Cruel Travel’ is singing about after that ‘Connection’ has gone and finished.

How have you come to decide to do band collaboration for Cruel Travel?

I was been pursued bands sound all the time since I started music. So it’s just good timing for band project has come along now.

Apart from this, you have been working as a solo artist, What is different things from your previous band experience as ‘The The’ or ‘Blue Dawn’?

Band music has its beauty made by imperfection of dissonant tones. Even those friction between members create interesting results when expressed through music. Although ever since my solo career, it has become unlikely to create such though when it comes to perfection, I am more satisfied.

Like mentioned above, you have collaborated with many artists such as Nell and Epitone Project. Which other artists would you like to work with in the future?

These days my dream is to communicate with artists from variety of fields like arts or modern dance. I hope to synergize with them by absorbing motivation from non music related inspiration to create new kind of music.

We can feel your voice express feelings and memories from you, it seems likely to it’s stories in your diary. Are there any particular type of people you want to reach out to with your serenade?

To those who have come across my music. After all, my songs are about your story.

Today's Korean music scene has recently begun to recognize Indie music despite being dominated by mainstream and idol music. What is your opinion on this matter?

It is such a relief that diversity exists although it should be more respected than now and become more than 'something wonderful'.

A must ask question for the Hong-dae queen. How does it feel to be representing Hong-dae music scene?

Oh, have I been representing Hong-dae?

On the subject of Hong-dae, some of our readers are aware that this is the birth place of indie artists. If they are to visit Korea, where would you say is the must visit place in Hong-dae area?

I am not sure. I don't go around much but Hong-dae area is one of people's favorite places due to its attractive and energetic atmosphere.

On 11th of November, you had your first fan meeting. How did that feel and do you hope to make such events more regular?

For me, performance itself is a form of communication with my fans. This fan meeting has been arranged by some other organization. It is unlikely that I will be organizing anything like this in future.

You are a beloved Hong-dae queen in South Korea though were you aware that this applied outside the border and how does it feel?

There are often those who leave messages on fan boards but it felt rather surprised. It is really wonderful!

Being a successful singer with increasing popularity, what or which artists inspire you?

Every artists who existed and exists in this space of time.

Music is a means of communication, an alternative form of language. What kind of message do you hope to get across to your listeners?

Instead of having a set message, I want to lead listeners to create their own messages. A trigger like music.

If you are given the opportunity to perform abroad, where would you go and why?

It doesn’t matter for me. I just would like to go anywhere that people want to hear my music.

2010 draws closer to an end though in another point of view is a new beginning. This brings me to ask when and how did you know you wanted to be an artist?

Ever since I was a child, there has been this certainty that one day I will be doing what I want. Originally I learnt to play piano and violin to specialize but eventually I realized they are not my path. That confirmation turned into reality just after my twentieth.

What has been the most memorable moment from your music career?

Ah, this is a tricky question. I am going to say that there are none because I want to treasure and memorize every single moment!

Thank you very much for the interview and before we bid farewell, do you have any last messages for our readers?

Thank you. I exist only because there are those who love music. Annyung!*
(*hello and good bye in Korean)

Special thanks to Han Hee Jung and Kang Gilju from Pastel Music

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