Live Report

J Sets Taiwan ON FIRE

08/10/2012 2012-10-08 00:01:00 JaME Author: Tiffany Hsiao

J Sets Taiwan ON FIRE

J fuels the passion of his ardent fans with one sizzling hot live show.

© Daniel, JaME
When J stood on the stage of The Wall in Taipei on September 16th, he led the fans to defeat the bad weather caused by a typhoon with his fiery passion. Dressed in a simple white t-shirt, J still shone as a super rock star on stage. With the endless screaming of “J” by the audience, he showed up on stage smiling and started to rock the night.

Unveiling the show with his new song Bring the Light, J set the fans on fire immediately. The fans made the “J gesture” and sang along with him. Just like how the lyrics went, J’s arrival with his music was like the light which passed from Hong Kong to Taiwan in his 2012 summer tour. J smiled upon seeing his fans who got high with him and placed his hand by his ear, letting the fans scream “J” even louder for him. As a gift in return, he set his bass on fire and rocked. Not letting the fire burn out, he played RECKLESS to raise the heat further, the fans clapping their hands along to the rhythm. “Hello, everyone!” J greeted in Chinese. To the fans' surprise, his Chinese was more fluent than the previous year! The fans cheered in response to his sweet gesture. After holding lives in Taiwan consecutively for three years, the fans felt even closer to J. “Are you ready to rock?” J grinned and asked. A resounding “Yes!” rose from the crowd, the night still young for rocking and the fuel of passion still alight.

Presenting several new songs from his latest album, J proved that he had definitely grown. He was even more powerful and skillful than ever. The fans who did come to enjoy and rock the nights with him in the past two years would agree with that without any doubt. Following that, J played an amazing bass solo during his new song, fire. The fans held their breath listening to his masterpiece. Every note from his bass hit the fans’ hearts so directly and strongly. Here it was, the fires in the hearts of everyone who gathered to be immersed in J’s magical music that night. Who could ever resist the talented artist who was standing right in front of them, presenting them his finest works of art and grinning at them? J himself was just as charming as his music.

Different from the style of the great bassist of a legendary rock band when he played in LUNA SEA, J showed his own style and characteristics during his own live. He interacted with the lovely fans, played his music heartily and expressed his own feelings toward music to the world with his passion directly and naturally. He could just be himself, the true J that sparked admiration in every fan's eyes and heart.

“Taiwan! You’re so great!” J smiled and yelled. Becoming one with his music, he presented another new song Who Is with his natural sexy power. “Who is the liar?” the fans sang loudly to heat up the atmosphere with J. Once again, he added fuel to the fire in the fans’ hearts. And the fuel seemed to be limitless for J.

When the prelude of Another Dream began, J led the fans into the beautiful dream he weaved. Unlike the rock style of the songs just presented, J stilled the fans’ hearts with this beautiful yet meaningful song. He dreamed a dream of music, for himself, for the fans, and for the world.

“The live here last year with you guys was awesome!” J told the audience. “Are you ready to kill?” With the simple words and his attractive smile, he kindled the fire once again successfully, the fans getting high with him to embrace the next song. The night still had a long way to go, with the background music of the aggressive and powerful LIE-LIE-LIE resounding throughout the venue. J asked the fans to go closer to the stage to rock with him and the wonderful band.

Scott played his drum solo as usual, but to the fans’ surprise, he was even more creative and stunning then ever. He mixed so many kinds of music beautifully this time, creating a brand new kind of drum solo. What remained from his usual solo performances were his strong cadence and dazzling skill. The fans became crazy upon witnessing his incredible fantasy of a drum solo, nodding, yelling and dancing along to it.

“Great!” J said, smiling as he came on stage once again after Scott’s astounding solo. He continued to rock the fans’ world with the following hurricane-like song, Storm Rider. Surprisingly, despite the strong song and powerful performance, the audience could still be soothed by J, by his smile, his music and his every single act. That, explained the charm and glamour of him, a truly superb musician.

“Oh, hold on!” J said when something happened to Scott before they played the beautiful and romantic song baby baby. “I’m now kind of nervous!” J laughed and said to the audience. The fans laughed with him while waiting for the situation to be solved. How could a person be so adorable and at ease when a hiccup like that occurred on stage? The fans were once again enamored with J and couldn’t help but admire his ability even more. “Okay, now, baby baby.” Problem solved, J introduced the song again gently, and with his beautiful smile, he started the song. He not only played the bass from the bottom of his heart but also sang the song wholeheartedly. The effort he put in created a beautiful balance that fans were eager for and fell for. “What are you waiting for?” J screamed. “J!” the fans screamed back. The harmony between J and the audience made the performance come alive, different and unforgettable.

And here came the traditional, important song in J’s live that every fan waited for—PYROMANIA. The fans lit up their lighters in the intermezzo, and with the lights of the live house dim, the fire from the lighters constructed a beautiful sea of fire. J smiled and watched the amazing scene that the fans presented to him, feeling satisfied and enjoying it so much. He was so excited creating this one of a kind moment together with his fans. That was a unique way of communication for J and his fans—so easy, yet so different and hot. When the poetic Endless Sky that led all the fans to a new world ended, J smiled and said “Thank you!” to the audience and then walked to the backstage.

Instead of yelling ”encore,” the ardent fans yelled “J” to welcome their king back on stage again. The fans passed the banner they made to J, J and CBGB taking it happily and unfolding it on stage. J was so touched by the messages and signatures on them and although the banner itself was so thin, J understood that the meaning, feelings, blessings and appreciation it held were so deep and limitless. J put away the precious gifts from the fans carefully as he smiled with happiness and then introduced his wonderful band members: Scott the drummer, and CBGB and Gocchin the guitarists. After the introduction of the members by J, CBGB also introduced “Bassist, J!” to the fans naughtily. J laughed shyly and to respond to the enthusiasm of his fans, he continued to fan the flames with his powerful encore songs, Feel Your Blaze and Burn out. The fans jumped with the rhythm and enjoyed the music with him. When the last note of Burn out faded away, J, the band and all the fans heated the atmosphere to its peak.

“Thank you all for coming tonight! It was a wonderful time performing here,” J said, looking at all the fans who had rocked the night, enjoying and creating this joyful and energetic show with him happily and gratefully. “Thank you!” he said again and again with his happy smile, afraid of not letting fans know how appreciative and touched he was. “See you next time and good night!” With his sweet words and gaze, the magical curtains fell.

What can be said of J’s coming, just like the name of his tour this time—ON FIRE- Add Fuel to the FIRE—was that J truly did add fuel to the fires in all his fans’ hearts. What’s more, it wasn't only adding fuel to the fire, but also adding fuel to the fans’ beliefs and lives. The fire that J had brought to the night, for sure, will never burn out. With all the strength and energy given by J this night, the fans can smile and wait for the next fuel station set up by J on his next visit, waiting to witness this superb artist turn ordinary to extraordinary once again someday.

Set List
01. Bring the Light
03. here we go
04. Red Sun
05. fire
06. who is
07. another world
-Drum solo-
09. storm rider
10. baby baby
11. break
12. Go Charge
14. addiction
15. Endless sky *NEW ENDING
16. Feel Your Blaze
