Live Report

Versailles Tour 2012 'Chateau de Versailles' Final

28/01/2013 2013-01-28 00:01:00 JaME Author: Geisha

Versailles Tour 2012 'Chateau de Versailles' Final

The flamboyant quintet played a moving farewell concert, featuring songs from all stages of its career, at NHK Hall in Tokyo

© Versailles
The setting for Versailles' last concert before stopping their activities couldn't have been grander. The three floors of NHK Hall, which has a capacity of 3000 persons, were packed with male and female fans from all over the world, ranging from metalheads to lolitas, gothic artistocrats and elaborate cosplayers. On the three-tiered stage, tendrils of red roses decorated the microphone stands and drum kit and crept up tall white columns that sat on the top tier like a portico, framing the portrait of a giant red rose. From the ceiling hung a golden chandelier, and on the lighting rafters above the stage glittered a huge golden "V".

At 18:40, the classical music that filled the auditorium gave way to an ominous mix of synth, horns, harpsichord and stomping percussion that heralded the arrival of the band. The fans jumped up from their seats and thrust their hands rhythmically into the air, forming the "rock" sign, as the band members began to file in to chants of "We are Versailles!" The chandelier lit up as one by one, YUKI, MASASHI, TERU, HIZAKI and finally KAMIJO appeared in the middle of the portico, flashed the rock sign and made their way down the stairs on the left and right hand side of the stage towards their instruments.

Columns of flame shot into the air, then Versailles launched into the epic Aristocrat's Symphony from their second album, NOBLE. Lightning fast guitars, strings and breakneck speed percussion blended together in the band's signature symphonic power metal sound, which mellowed to a melodic chorus that sent the fans' hands dancing through the air. White spots cut through the red stage lighting and focused on one musician after the other, picking out the centre of action. KAMIJO, dressed in a low-cut black shirt, tight black trousers and high heeled platform boots, whirled his long white coat like a matador as he introduced the audience to the band's world of vampires and roses. HIZAKI looked every inch a princess in a long red and white gown and cascades of chestnut brown curls, while TERU sported an elaborate silver and white outfit with golden details. The two guitarists pirouetted in unison, their movements carefully synchronised, as their guitars raced each other in extensive solos that had earned Versailles the respect of metal fans the world over. MASASHI and YUKI, dressed in long black coats trimmed with gold, kept the urgent rhythm going.

"Bonjour! Welcome to Versailles!" screamed KAMIJO as the columns of flame shot up once more with a loud bang. The band then continued with another classic, their major debut single, Ascendead Master. As furious guitars alternated with a pensive piano, the blonde vocalist sang of loneliness and eternal sin, and the audience learnt that mischievous vampires can also have melancholy moments.

The symphonic elements returned with MASQUERADE as erratically racing guitars and a two-handed bass solo blended with harp, a chanting choir and church bells, before moving on to flute and Middle Eastern harmonies with Ayakashi -ayakashi- and lavish harpsichord that reminded of Bara no seidou-era Malice Mizer with Rhapsody of the Darkness.

In the silence between the songs, the fans screamed the band members' names and KAMIJO, one hand on his ear, encouraged them to shout even louder. "Everybody jump together!" he encouraged the crowd as Versailles launched into the unusually brutal Edge of the World, which showcased the new, edgier direction the band had taken on in their most recent releases. In the narrow space between the rows of seats, which was crammed with coats and bags full of precious merchandise, the fans followed his command with tireless enthusiasm as the columns of flame shot up again and again.

"Are you all having fun?" asked the blonde vocalist as the band returned to the classic Versailles sound with After Cloudia and the musicians began to switch places. MASASHI stepped down from his platform next to YUKI's drum kit and posed at the edge of the stage as he played, feet planted wide apart, while HIZAKI and TERU joined KAMIJO in the centre of the stage where he sang to them, one arm around their shoulders.

Now the entire band except KAMIJO left the stage. As the hall was plunged into darkness, a gentle piano version of Love will be born again began to play and a single white spot light found the vocalist, who sang with heartfelt emotion. In a stunning effect, green light beams fanned out from behind him and, seemingly piercing his body, were projected all throughout the auditorium. As the light beams changed from green to white and back to green again, the fans raised their rose lights, which glowed in all colours of the rainbow, and waved them in time with the sweet melody.

Next, KAMIJO bowed and disappeared, blue light flooded across the empty stage and the yearning violin intro of Holy Grail -amoroso- began to play. HIZAKI, TERU, MASASHI and YUKI returned, holding up rose lights which they threw to the crowd, and now it was their turn to show off their skill with a stirring instrumental. As the two guitarists solemnly played together in the centre of the stage, the fans continued to wave their own multi-coloured blossoms.

Then KAMIJO rejoined the band, also brandishing a rose light, which he kissed and threw to the crowd. Now once more a quintet, Versailles treated the audience to more of their trademark guitar fireworks, courtesy of two tracks from their 2011 album Holy Grail, the epic power ballad Destiny -The Lovers- and the driving Judicial Noir. The vocalist pranced up and down on the red carpet that led from the base of the drum kit to his place at the front of the stage, which was surrounded by a small white fence, twirling his coat and tapping his foot to the beat. One by one, he introduced the other band members, slipping his arm around MASASHI's shoulders and prompting HIZAKI and TERU for additional solos.

"On New Year's Eve, Kouhaku Uta Gassen1 will take place in this very spot," KAMIJO pondered loudly, before addressing the fans: "Let's have our own Kouhaku Uta Gassen! Girls, you all shout cute things! And boys, you all shout 'a-ni-ki' (roughly: older brother)!" Laughing with delight, the teams complied and shouted the required phrases, trying to out-do each other. When he was satisfied, the band returned to the regular programme with a classic from their indie days, the fan favourite zombie. As guitars and bass set the bouncy rhythm, KAMIJO danced with a provocative hip sway, clapped his hands above his head and fired up the crowd to follow his fury, before being joined by TERU at the edge of the stage.

The last part of the set focused on the band's most recent album, simply called Versailles. Having caught his cape on KAMIJO's microphone stand, TERU briefly disappeared backstage to have it reattached and then dazzled the audience with an extended solo in Brave, while Truth shifted the vibe more towards rock.

As the melancholy harmonies of Created Beauty prompted the fans to wave their rose lights again, KAMIJO opened his arms wide, fell on one knee and raised his eyes to the ceiling where a disco ball descended next to the golden chandelier. The small yellow lights that ran around the edge of the three-tiered platform, upon which the portico sat, lit up and white spot lights were shot at the disco ball, which threw them back in the form of countless narrow beams, like a star that had fallen to earth. Specks of white light were reflected onto the blue-lit floor, making the stage appear like a starry sky, as the entire band ended the song with solemnly lowered heads.

The tempo stepped up again with the epic power metal and chanting choir of ROSE, which had more special effects in store. Pink bled into the deep blue light, engulfing the stage like a rising dawn, and then a giant red rose was projected onto the empty space in the centre of the portico. As a single white spot light focused on KAMIJO, red lights flashed and the rose in the background began to pulse. The vocalist introduced the band members once more, finishing as always with a tribute to their late 'eternal member': "on bass, Jasmine You!", before HIZAKI and TERU took centre stage. The yellow lights on the edge of the platform flashed and columns of flame shot up continuously, heating up the pit to scorching temperatures, as the two men played their dueling guitars back to back.

Versailles finished the set with one of their oldest songs, the tempestuous THE RED CARPET DAY from their debut album, Lyrical Sympathy. As breakneck guitars and frantic harpsichord intertwined with church organ and angel choir, urging the song towards ever more urgent "hey, hey, hey" shouts, the fans jumped to the violent rhythm and the musicians twirled, headbanged and posed at the edge of the stage, their instruments held high above their heads.

Of course, the fans weren't going to let their heroes go their separate ways without an encore. After five minutes of persistent chants of "We are!" and "Versailles!" the band members returned for two more songs, the catchy Shout and Bites, which saw the fans bow to the beat as the musicians pirouetted in unison, and Philia, the theme song of the mini comedy series "Onegai Kanaete Versailles", which had brought the band on to national television. Gripping the backs of the seats in front of them, the fans headbanged wildly as HIZAKI and TERU took turns at soloing while the yellow lights on the edge of the platform flashed.

One after the other, the band members posed on the stairs that led up to the drum kit and waved to the crowd while the staff took their instruments away, but one encore wasn't enough and so they returned once more, holding up yet more rose lights. As HIZAKI's and TERU's guitars joined graceful piano and strings in the sweeping power ballad, Sympathia, KAMIJO waved his rose together with the fans, before placing it between his teeth and holding one hand to his ear while the audience sang the chorus a cappella.

Now it was time for the band members to say good-bye. One by one, they took the microphone and addressed the audience, thanking the fans all over the world, their staff and industry contacts for their support. "I won't say ‘wait for us’, but believe in us", KAMIJO summed up their message. "We may come back."

With their last song Versailles returned to their very beginning: The Revenant Choir, their first ever single, which had been sold at lives before eventually making it on to their second album. Columns of smoke shot up and silver streamers exploded into the air as MASASHI joined KAMIJO at the edge of the stage for a bass solo. Meanwhile, first HIZAKI and then TERU climbed up to the top tier of the platform for their own solos before harmonizing together in the centre of the portico. "The time has came for me", KAMIJO sang as the song that had awoken the descendants of the rose five years earlier now led them to eternal sleep again. "Our clan's blood will not stop forever. If you wish, I would become a rose." Finally, they all posed together in the centre of the stage and the vocalist introduced them one last time, once again including Jasmine You. "And me?" he asked jokingly. "KAMIJO!" came the deafening response. "We are Versailles!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, an echo on his microphone causing his words to reverberate dramatically through the hall, and then band and fans jumped together as the red rose in the centre of the portico descended and Versailles passed into history.

During their turbulent career, Versailles injected a much needed breath of fresh air into a scene that had become increasingly stagnant. By combining great technical skill with elaborate costumes and a darkly romantic theme, they created a recipe that proved irresistible for fans not only in Japan, but also abroad, and proved that there is still a desire for the glamour and flamboyance of classical visual kei. While the band will undoubtedly be missed, its members are bound to return with interesting new projects. Moreover, they left an important legacy: their success has encouraged other bands to follow in their footsteps, and so thanks to this courageous "Philharmonic Quintet" music fans everywhere can look forward to a richer, brighter future.

Set List:

1. Aristocrat's Symphony
2. Ascendead Master
4. Ayakashi -ayakashi-
5. Rhapsody of the Darkness
6. Edge of the World
7. After Cloudia
8. Love will be born again
9. Holy Grail -amoroso-
10. Destiny -The Lovers-
11. Judicial Noir
12. zombie
13. Brave
14. Truth
15. Created Beauty
16. ROSE

Encore 1:
1. Shout & Bites
2. Philia

Encore 2:
1. Sympathia
2. The Revenant Choir


[1] Annual music show on New Year's Eve, produced by Japanese public broadcaster NHK, where teams of male and female artists compete against each other.


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NHK Hall