
Souiumono - Pappapapparatta~Baba Ban~

28/06/2013 2013-06-28 08:11:00 JaME Author: Jessieface

Souiumono - Pappapapparatta~Baba Ban~

A look at Souiumono‘s first single, back when they were a trio.

Looking back to their first single, Pappapapparatta, and seeing their current success now, Souiumono
Souiumono's first single was originally released independently on March 3rd, 2011. The cover art across the two “baba” and “jiji” types depict an older man and women with blue-painted skin; it was a tie-in with Souiumono’s image at the time as eccentric, electric blue-skinned aliens. During this release, Souiumono only had three members: SACCI and Nuppe―both ex-Poitrine―and Donky, but collectively, the three were just as outrageous as they are now.

Admittedly, Pappapapparatta isn’t stunningly high quality compared to their current work. It's cheesy. But that is Pappapapparatta’s charm, its ultimate attraction. You’ll be singing the chorus, dancing along and headbanging in no time. Unfortunately, the (very hilarious) furitsuke video no longer exists online―Nuppe eats a packet of chips during the B-melody without a care, but snaps to attention for the chorus.

Electronic saxophone, a wild beat and a hint of xylophone create B-side Numa. This track is crazy, full of energy, and is a perfect match to the absurdity of Pappapapparatta.

Surprisingly, even in Souiumono’s earliest work, there's a ballad! Included on only the “baba” version of Pappapapparatta, Restart was written and composed by bassist Nuppe. The track is a bittersweet pop number and shows the members' abilities to portray a softer image.

Being Souiumono's first release from March 2011, the group showed some flaws in production and music quality. Still, the comedic effect is there: Nuppe (Denu) and SACCI (Sayo) brought their nonsensical qualities from their Poitrine days to the inception of Souiumono.

Short samples of this release can be heard in the video below:


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