
the GazettE

15/06/2010 2010-06-15 08:56:01 JaME Author: Sarah & Edward

the GazettE

the GazettE

© the GazettE
When the band first formed, the GazettE was originally known simply as Gazette.

Gazette began in early 2002 with vocalist Ruki, guitarists Uruha and Aoi, bassist Reita and drummer Yune. Ruki, Uruha and Reita had previously been in Ma'die Kusse and Kar+te=zyAnose together, while Aoi and Yune are both ex-Arita members. Originally signed to the Matina label, they released their first single, Wakaremichi, and a video on VHS in April.

When 2003 began, Yune announced he would be leaving Gazette. He was immediately replaced by Kai (ex-Mareydi Creia), and the band signed onto the PS COMPANY label. They took part in their first real tour with fellow indie band Hanamuke and released their first mini-album, Cockayne Soup.

In 2004, Gazette kicked the year off by holding a one-man at Shibuya AX - the concert was later released on DVD - and opening their official fan club. Nearing the end of the year, the band released a second live DVD and then gave their fans what they'd been waiting for for nearly two years: their first full album, Disorder. In December, they took part in that year's Beauti-Fool's Fest yet again and held a short tour.

For 2005, Gazette seemed to spend most of their time either in a tour bus or on the stage as they seemed to constantly tour the country. They released a few items in between tours, and their first photobook, Verwelktes Gedicht, went on sale in September. They then took a brief break, but in December, they took part in the PEACE & SMILE CARNIVAL TOUR 2005 put on by their label and released the single Cassis, which would be the last single to be released under the Gazette name.

2006 was an extremely busy year for Gazette. Changing their name from Gazette, written in Japanese characters, to the GazettE, written in English, the band kicked off the year by releasing a new album, Nil. They immediately launched into a massive tour that spanned all of Japan with over thirty shows. The tour final was held at the Nippon Budokan, one of the largest venues in Japan, and it was sold out. They also made their first European appearance in Germany at the end of July, to the delight of their international fans. Later that year, in October, an English version of their official homepage went up.

They ended 2006 and ushered in 2007 with even more tour dates and new singles before announcing the release of a new summer album, STACKED RUBBISH, and two nearly back-to-back tours. To the pleasure of their numerous international fans, the GazettE also decided to return to Europe as they announced a short European tour in October that took the band through Germany, France, Finland, and England.

Their next single, Guren, was released at the beginning of 2008 and topped the Oricon charts. As the band became increasingly popular, their promotional tactics became more exaggerated: their next release, LEECH, came with the addition of promotional buses. The black buses rallied around the trendy locations of Japan blasting LEECH and showing the promotional video on screens installed into the windows. The release of LEECH also included a secret gig in front of the Shinjuku train station, gathering a crowd of over 7000 people; much more than the expected crowd of 250. Police had to stop the gig after two songs for safety reasons due to the amount of people.

The year 2009 began with the announcement of DISTRESS AND COMA, which marked the GazettE's seventh birthday and PS COMPANY's 10th anniversary. They performed at Nippon Budokan with the other bands under PS COMPANY and Indie-PSC for the Peace & Smile Carnival 2009 in January. The live DVD of the concert was released three months after. After the release of their single, a lottery event was held in Tokyo for fans who purchased DISTRESS AND COMA to attend a special event with the GazettE.

In addition to Kai's 'GazettE Kai's Premium Radio' and Reita's 'Radio Jack,' Aoi now also has his own radio called 'HOLLY HOCK RADIO,' lasting thirty minutes and broadcast every Saturday on FM Aichi.

the GazettE's next album, titled DIM and due out in July, will be accompanied by a country-wide tour, DIM SCENE, which will last from July to October.

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