
Dreqi x Rudra

05/09/2008 2008-09-05 12:00:00 JaME Author: Mana59 Translator: Kay

Dreqi x Rudra

Dreqi x Rudra

Dreqi x Rudra started around November 2003. In the first few months the band mainly focussed on getting other members to join them to form a complete band. In the end the line-up was: Rana on vocals, Kai and Touya on guitar, Ryou on bass and a drummer whose name is unknown.
However, this drummer left the band in January 2004.

Their first concert was on March 13th at the Urawa Narciss. This concert was the first of quite a long list of performances. They performed in April, May, June, July and August at various livehouses and events.

They participated in the omnibus album Aotakari from the label S'CUBE. Other bands that participated on this as well were Hiskarea, Puppet Mammy, Phylia, Devil kitty and more. They also participated in some events organized by this label.

In 2005, some member changes took place: Kai and Ryou left the band and Yuki joined as the new bassist. It was also during this time that Rana changed his name to Nyon.

In August 2005 they finally released their first maxi-single, which was called Pride. More concerts, to promote the release of the maxi-single, followed.

Unfortunately, in March 2006, the band decided to disband for unknown reasons. The majority of the (former) members started new bands, but also they disbanded again. Currently, Yuki is a member of Panic Channel, using the name Kiri.

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