

10/05/2008 2008-05-10 12:00:00 JaME Author: Tanja & Kay



Kouichi started his music career in the early nineties, as the guitarist of the rock band Laputa. In 1996 the band turned major and in the following years they released eleven singles, eight albums and three mini-albums. In 2004, more than decade after they started, the band decided to split up, which was the end of the once so successful Laputa.

In January 2005, shortly after the separation, Kouichi launched his solo project: Everlasting-K. At the same time, an announcement for his first release was made. Voulez vouz as the mini-album is called, was released in spring and featured a song written by PIERROT's vocalist Kirito. In summer, he started on his first solo tour, accompanied by well-known musicians such as guitarist Rika (former Rouage, dibs) and bassist Kohta of PIERROT.

The following year turned out be very active as Everlasting-K released two singles, his first full album as well as his first DVD. Next to a tour in March, he performed on various events throughout the year. 2007 followed in the same way, though the year brought only one release.

In March 2008 Kouichi has released his second album: Limit or Light and we're curious to see what this talented artist will bring us next!

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