

08/09/2008 2008-09-08 12:00:00 JaME Author: Cynthia



Nezaki (aka kyohsuke) and Yaguchi (aka Miya) became acquainted in the latter part of the '90s through their main bands, La Vie En Rose and MUCC respectively, which are both from Ibaraki prefecture. Afterward, they grew to be close friends, making it a matter of time until they decided upon the creation of a joint project, GeKiGaKutai. From there, Ooshima Tsuyoshi (ex. Karimero and currently in Jully) was set as leader of the band and drummer, and Yoshida Masatatsu (THREE 9) as bassist, making the band complete.

Although the band has been around since the end of 2003, they released their first and only album entitled Tokyo on May 25th, 2005. They then had a mini-tour the following month.

The continuation of this side-project is unknown. The four members haven't made it known whether or not they will keep this side project active or not. Though, it is safe to assume that after a year and a half of no activity, that GeKiGaKutai will simply remain a fun side project.

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