

15/03/2009 2009-03-15 12:00:00 JaME Author: Franck Stofer



© Eric Bossick
Offstage, Maruosa is a calm, composed young man, concerned about food and body hygiene. What he aims to transmit is positive human energy. Maruosa says, "There are many people in Japan who listen to calm, airy, ambient music to console themselves when they feel bad, but I think they're making a mistake. They should be listening to music like mine to raise their spirits." Electroshock therapy, as the title of his album Exercise and Hell suggests, is the paradoxical transmission of positivity that finds its source in loud, chaotic music.

Music didn't really interest Maruosa at first. He preferred to lose himself in his favourite manga "Gegege no Kitaro by Shigeru Mizuki!" One day, however, he heard a piece by YMO and discovered that music isn't always accompanied by words and can be purely instrumental. He continued to explore instrumental music until the day a friend showed him a piece of software that would allow him to make his own music. He started with pop around 2001 and was invited to work with two Gameboy players. He accepted, but to give himself a new challenge, he took up the mic, started yelling into it and took off! His music suddenly changed direction under the influence of this new all-powerful style.

It was an explosive formula. In the space of a few years, Maruosa did a series of marathon tours around Japan and Europe, appearing at Sonar in Barcelona in June 2008 before setting off on a series of concerts in Oceania. Maruosa is a mover and a shaker. He has developed contacts through organizing concerts in Tokyo and even manages his own label Rendarec, which broadcasts recordings and news from musician friends such as MIDI-sai, aaaaa, Ove-Naxx, Bogulta, DJ Scotch Egg and DODDODO.

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