Live Report

downy One-man at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM

12/05/2014 2014-05-12 00:01:00 JaME Author: Amke

downy One-man at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM

Post-rock band downy show off plenty of technique during their sold out one-man at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM.

© downy
It’s March 23rd, and downy are getting ready for what will be an amazing sold out show at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM. A screen covers most of the stage, and the hall is fairly silent. People chatter, waiting for the band to enter the stage. A bit after six the lights dim and the band members walk up and immediately start the show.

There isn’t much room at the front of the stage. Bassist Kazuhiro Nakamata stands in the far right corner, his back to the audience, close to drummer Akiyama Takahiko. Guitarist Yutaka Aoki is sitting on a chair in the middle of the stage and in the left corner vocalist and guitarist Robin Aoki stands, the only member looking at the audience while performing. VJ Zakuro is in control of the clips and images that are projected.

The band starts off with aoi, and birds cover the whole stage, including the members. The sound of the drums shakes the hall, with the quiet but clear voice of Robin breaking through the loud rhythm section. His voice isn’t overpowering the rest of the instruments but blends in, finding its way through the other rhythms and melodies.

Akiyama produces intriguing, mesmerizing, almost confusing rhythms. In almost every song he manages to use syncopation, accentuating the weak beats and finding his way in between the beats with ease. Bass player Kazuhiro knows how to fit into the rhythm section. All of the members seem to have a lot of experience and are able to use all kinds of techniques. Both guitarists create a melody that contrasts with the rhythm, but they make it work and by adding the vocals—it’s a complicated, but highly interesting mix to listen to.

Robin trades his guitar for a keyboard in aru yoru and sits down next to fellow guitarist Yutaka. The images start distorting, twisting into different ones while melancholic tunes fill the venue and Robin’s voice is quiet. His vocals are somber, but also clear. They fuel the song, along with the keyboard, which produces a melody that manages to fit in with the rest of the instruments, while still giving the concert a different ambiance.

The band sometimes seems to vanish, as black and orange clips cover the members and the screen. It feels like watching a music video, but when the colors aren’t that strong the members appear, playing their parts with the utmost concentration. hidari no tane also feels more like a short movie. The use of repetition, in both music and video, and not having a climax creates a feeling of suspense. Closer to the end, the song gets louder and almost reaches a breakthrough, but the band keeps simmering the music, and it never really comes to a peak in the end.

Both the audience and band stay focused throughout the whole concert. The audience cheers and applauds after each song, but they stay mostly quiet during the set otherwise, enjoying the music and video material. The bassist mostly stands with his back towards the audience, and guitarist Yutaka never really faces the fans either, absorbed in playing his parts, nodding his head up and down and sometimes headbanging along with the music. Robin has more contact with the audience, facing them for most of the concert, singing and walking around on the narrow space while he plays his guitar.

Robin talks to the audience briefly before they start their last song. The guitars produce two completely different melodies and sounds, mixing dark and light parts to create tension. VJ Zakuro has created the right atmosphere for every song up to this point and also nails this one, using fireworks in the background along with other video material. The song ends and some people head for the exit. There’s no encore, but instead a DJ plays music and a part of the crowd remains in the venue to listen.

downy showed off their impressive technique with this one-man show, creating distinct atmospheres with syncopation, videos and a variety of instruments. They also brought this unique show to Okinawa and Taiwan at the end of March, playing together with toe.

Set List:

1. aoi
2. meitai Freak
3. zen
4. asahiwomiyo!
5. kakushaku celluloid
6. shiguremae
7. kuro
8. aru yoru
9. haru to shura
10. sixteen months
11. kuroi ame
12. delta
13. kagen no tsuki
14. underground
15. Anarchy dance
16. itsu
17. hidari no tane
18. saru no tegara


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