
Interview with JOJO Hiroshige

17/09/2014 2014-09-17 00:01:00 JaME Author: Ashki

Interview with JOJO Hiroshige

JaME talks to "King of Noise" JOJO Hiroshige of Hijokaiden about his career and unique approach to making music.

© JOJO Hiroshige
The self-proclaimed “King of Noise”, JOJO Hiroshige has led the noise band Hijokaidan since 1979. As a solo artist, he creates unique soundscapes through the fusion of roaring sounds and lyrical song. He has caused a buzz not only in Japan but worldwide, earning the admiration of artists around the world like Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth. His musical activities haven’t stopped once in 36 years. He has recently been performing overseas, playing sessions with free jazz artists like Akira Sakata and collaborating with vocaloid Hatsune Miku and the idol group BiS. As a solo artist, JOJO Hiroshige has released a 10-CD boxset, and has also released many works through major labels and labels overseas.

Please introduce yourself to the readers.

JOJO Hiroshige: I am JOJO Hiroshige, the “King of Noise” and the leader of Hijokaidan, a world-class Japanese noise band.

Tell us about your career so far.

JOJO Hiroshige: I first started creating tapes with an open reel deck at home in 1974. I formed the improvising band SLOTH in 1977, and in 1978 formed ULTRA BIDE, who started touring live houses – I played bass. A year later, I formed Rasenkaidan and Hijokaidan. Hijokaidan started to get popular in 1980, and we appeared on the V.A. compilation Shumatu Shorijo. We released our first album Zouroku no kibyou in 1982, and released our 35th anniversary album Saita hana ga hitotsu ni hareba yoi in 2014.

I began my solo activities in 1997, started BiS Kaidan in 2012 and Hatsune Kaidan in 2013. That same year, BiS Kaidan debuted on Avex. We disbanded in 2014.

Can you tell us about your concept for music?

JOJO Hiroshige: I basically try to play improvised noise without conventional song structures or melodies.

Regarding your music production process. Where did you get the idea to mix noise?

JOJO Hiroshige: When I formed Hijokaidan in 1979, I thought it would be cool if I could hear sentimental folk songs like Doji Morita’s behind noise. I experimented with that style in the band Slap Happy Humphley in 1994.

Who influenced your current music production and performance style?

JOJO Hiroshige: There are many artists who influence me. A few that come to mind are Zunou Keisatsu, Yamashita Yosuke Trio and Derek Bailey.

Tell us about Hijokaidan and BiS Kaidan.

JOJO Hiroshige: Hijokaidan is an improvised noise band. BiS Kaidan uses Hijokaidan’s concept and mixed BiS’s songs on top. For the live shows, we tried to recreate the radical performances of the indie scene in the 1980s.

What was the reason you chose to collaborate with BiS?

JOJO Hiroshige: Because they were the most radical amongst the idol groups.

As you know BiS Kaidan’s album was released as an analog record – which song do you recommend?

JOJO Hiroshige: I recommend all of the tracks, but I especially like the cover of Jun Togawa’s Suki suki daisuki.

Tell us about your up-coming project.

JOJO Hiroshige: I will be performing at various overseas events as Hatsune Kaidan, a band that features Hatsune Miku. Also, I will be collaborating with an idol group called Yurumerumo!.

Please give a final word to JaME World readers!

JOJO Hiroshige: I will continue to do interesting projects. Thanks for your continued support.

JaME would like to thank JOJO Hiroshige for his time.