
IRON ATTACK! - Sentimental Symphonia

08/03/2015 2015-03-08 00:01:00 JaME Author: Ruchesko

IRON ATTACK! - Sentimental Symphonia

For its 34th album of Touhou-based power metal, doujin band IRON ATTACK! tweaks its usual formula ever so slightly.

© 2015 IRON ATTACK! All rights reserved.
Album CD

Sentimental Symphonia


There can’t be many musicians in the world as hardworking as IRON-CHINO. In between the four albums he’s produced with LIGHTNING, the guitarist has somehow found the time (and energy) to put out over 40 records since August 2007 through his solo project IRON ATTACK!. The bulk of these releases contain power metal songs based on the music of the “Touhou Project” videogame franchise, and Sentimental Symphonia is the 34th of its kind.

Doing without the sort of short intro that opens most IRON ATTACK! releases, Sentimental Symphonia plunges straight in with the breakneck title track, featuring regular guest vocalist Minusiyon of Sister’s Spread-i. The opening number is surprisingly light on guitar antics, and CHINO lets his singer enjoy until the time comes for his solo. But fear not, guitar fans: the next four songs are entirely instrumental.

The second track Shrine’s Chamber serves as a showcase of CHINO’s virtuoso guitarsmanship typical of IRON ATTACK records. However, the album takes an unorthodox turn on Eyes in Basket where, backed by a funk riff, CHINO turns his hand to classic rock. The next two tracks return to metal, and blend so seamlessly, you might not even realize the song’s changed.

Minus Iyon returns for Flan in WONDERLAND, a rock number that flows along at a more relaxed pace. Then, the harpsichord-laced third vocal track Mighty Girl provides a satisfyingly heavy finale. The release also contains karaoke versions of Sentimental Symphonia and Flan in WONDERLAND, both of which hold up well as instrumentals.

During his decade in the Japanese metal scene, IRON-CHINO has built up a well-deserved reputation for consistency, and Sentimental Symphonia does nothing to change this. Most people with an interest in Touhou-based music should enjoy this just fine. Metal purists may be a bit disappointed by the album’s less typically IRON ATTACK tracks, but after 30-something albums of wall-to-wall power metal, IRON-CHINO can’t exactly be criticised for wanting to try something a little different.

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