
Interview with HIZUMI

21/04/2015 2015-04-21 00:01:00 JaME Author: Jasy, Wicky Translator: M. Denno

Interview with HIZUMI

After D'espairsRay, singer HIZUMI opted for a complete career change by launching his own design project, UMBRELLA.

After the dissolution of D'espairsRay in 2011, the band's vocalist HIZUMI turned his attentions to his design project UMBRELLA. Shortly after his first visit to the US convention Naka-Con, JaME sat down with the artist to ask a few questions about the project.

It's been almost four years since you started your design project. Tell us about the early days – was it hard to establish UMBRELLA?

HIZUMI: My anxiety was the biggest issue, rather than the task itself. Due to my inexperience as a designer, I was really worrying about how far I could go with it.

UMBRELLA offers all kinds of products: from your own photographs printed on clothing, to everyday objects and special designs. What do you think makes your designs so outstanding?

HIZUMI: When I design something, I’m not too concerned about end results. But once I’ve finished a design, it's important that it fits my sense of what’s "cool".

Where does the inspiration for your designs come from? What’s your creative process like?

HIZUMI: When I find suitable subjects for graphics, like diagrams, flowers, animals and so on; the inspiration comes mostly from them. The creative process is similar. I try putting together many different pieces of the puzzle because I often lack imagination. It starts to become complete through trial and error, after I’ve tried numerous times to see where and how certain parts should be fitted. If I can't find the parts, I go in search of them, even if it takes me hours.

You've already designed a wide variety of products. Is there anything in particular you would like to design but still haven't had a chance to do?

HIZUMI: There are a great many things that I've never designed, but someday, I'd like to design a space or something like that.

From the beginning, the "Music" icon on UMBRELLA’s website has displayed the message "Coming Soon". Can you tell us what kind of music fans can expect when the time comes?

HIZUMI: When I began UMBRELLA, I thought that I'd get well again after a few years, so I was thinking I could return to making music and singing again, once my throat had recovered. But it’s not fully healed yet, so I don't know when “soon” will be.

You created the designs for REDRUM's mini-album INITIUM. How did the band approach you regarding it and what were your inspirations for that design?

HIZUMI: ASAGI of D originally asked me to produce REDRUM and I accepted his request. He allowed me to give my input on all aspects of the release, such as design, styling, the photoshoot, studio recording and so on. As for my inspiration for the design, I tried to capture the darkness and heaviness that can be heard in the music.

Would you like to do collaborations with this project beyond designing merchandise for bands?

HIZUMI: If there’s something my creative designs can be used for, I'd love to do it.

What's your typical workday like?

HIZUMI: It’s very simple and you’d get very bored listening to it. (He laughs) I get up around 9 o'clock in the morning, I start working before midday, I forget to eat and before I know, it's already the next morning. (He laughs again)

Is there a graphic artist you admire?

HIZUMI: I wasn’t inspired to become a designer because I admired someone, so I don’t really have anyone, or more precisely, I don't know who they are.

You recently attended the American convention Naka-Kon in Overland Park, Kansas. What expectations did you have before your panel appearances there, and how were the attendees’ reactions?

HIZUMI: It was my first time appearing on a "panel", so I was worrying a lot. I guess the attendees had fun, but for me, there were a lot of points to review.

Can you imagine presenting yourself and your work at more conventions? Is there a specific country where you like to attend a convention?

HIZUMI: If I get offered such a chance, I'd happily accept it. I'd like to attend a convention in any country.

What do your plans for the future look like?

HIZUMI: I have no overseas plans scheduled at present, but this year, I'd like to try something that I've never tried before.

Do you have a message for our readers?

HIZUMI: I'll be creating many more designs in the future, so please looking forward to seeing them! Thank you very much.

JaME would like to thank HIZUMI, WANDALISMUS.INK and Tora Tsuki for making this interview possible.

To keep up to date with HIZUMI’s latest work, check out his recently re-opened official Facebook page.

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