
Interview with nano

02/11/2015 2015-11-02 00:01:00 JaME Author: Rico

Interview with nano

After nano's second German show at DoKomi 2015, the singer took time to answer a few questions from JaME.

© 2014 JVCKENWOOD Victor Entertainment Corp.
After nano's stunning first German concert in 2013, nano returned to Germany this year. On this occasion, the vocalist was accompanied by a full backing band, thanks to a successful crowdfunding effort. A couple days later, nano spoke to JaME Germany.

Thank you for this opportunity to interview you! Today we have a few questions for you.

nano: Thank you for having me.

How was your recent performance at DoKomi 2015?

nano: My live concert two days ago was just amazing. It was my second time in Germany and I was really looking forward to it. This time my band was able to come along as well, so we really had an awesome time.

We saw your concert and really enjoyed it. What do you personally think is so special about Germany that made you want to come back?

nano: You know, I held my very first overseas concert in Germany two years ago. So in that sense, it is a special place to me. Also, when I was younger, I used to have a friend who was from Germany, so I have always been interested in Germany.

What do you personally like about Germany? Is there some kind of food or beverage that you really enjoy?

nano: To be honest, this area -Düsseldorf especially- is very similar to where I used to live when I was in America, so it feels like a second home to me. That's what I like about Germany. Also, German food is just wonderful. I love German bread.

How does it feel to perform your very own concert, instead of being just part of a bigger event?

nano: Both is amazing, just being able to perform here is amazing on its own, but having my own concert here allows me to express myself fully. This time we had a whole concert, and the atmosphere was very exciting and warm. Also, the German fans were just amazing.

Would you ever have imagined becoming successful and performing in Germany, just by covering songs?

nano: Not at all. When I first started singing and performing the cover songs, I didn't expect to be able to go anywhere with it. Being able to make a CD and have people all over the world listen to me is just amazing.

Does your career affect your private life in anyway?

nano: No, not really. My private life is the same as before, and I enjoy writing songs in my spare time and just expressing myself.

Are there any artists who inspire your music?

nano: I listen to a lot of genres. My range is very wide. Often I just open up iTunes and look up what’s popular these days. I listen to anything, from classical to pop to rock. I don't look up one particular artist.

So, would you go with genres instead of artists?

nano: No, I just love all kinds of music in general.

A little while ago, you said you wouldn’t classify your music as classical "J-pop" or "J-rock" but rather as "anime music". Where do you see the difference between these genres?

nano: Actually I don't think that my music is in only one genre. I wouldn't say that it’s either anime music or J-rock or J-pop, and that’s because I like to experiment. I am always changing, and my music changes with me. That's why I don't like to classify myself. My music could be completely different in a year and I think that genres divide the fanbase. Genres are not that important. This gives me the freedom I need to make music.

Last January, you released your latest album Rock On.. Can you tell us about it?

nano: Rock On. is as much fun to listen to as it was to create. Just as the title says, I would like people to feel like they are rocking on. I experimented a lot and discovered new sounds. I challenged myself like I never did before, so it is a very personal album for me. I hope that it connects me to the fans as well.

Is there something like a theme on the album? You already mentioned "Rock on", but at your concert "music connects people" was very important to you. Could that be another theme?

nano: Of course. I created this album with the particular feeling that I want to perform these songs live. It contains songs that fit in well at concerts. So that was my overall theme, to create songs that are enjoyable at concerts.

Do you have any kind words for your German fans?

nano. Of course. First of all, "Danke schön". Thank you so much for having me this time. I couldn't wait to be here, and being one with the entire crowd was just amazing. I hope that I can return, so I will work hard to be able to do that.

We take your promise by heart that you want to learn more German for next time.

nano: (laughs) I promise! A few more German words next time!

JaME wants to thank nano, FlyingDog and AkibaDreams for making this interview possible.

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