
Interview with LOKA

05/11/2015 2015-11-05 00:01:00 JaME Author: Silverfaye

Interview with LOKA

LOKA begins a new chapter.

© LOKA / Cross the limit. All rights reserved.
Alternative rock band LOKA tells JaME about their upcoming new album, challenging themselves with new styles and more.

You released the single Calling on June 14th. What’s the concept of this single?

Kihiro: We made the song Calling for a Combat Sport Event. It gives the message to not give up and follow your dream, no matter what stands in your way.

Along with the single, you’ve had a change of image from heavy rock to a more modern look. What lay behind this decision?

Kihiro: It’s not about playing the music in the same style or genre, as we are willing to take up the challenge of making different kinds of songs to show the fans the full range of our musical abilities.
SIN: It’s not that we’re trying to change our style from heavy rock, but we are currently tackling other genres and styles to show everything we feel about ourselves. Keep checking our songs as we might show a different style of LOKA.

You will be releasing a new album early next year. What can you tell us about it?

Kihiro: This album is more melodic than our last album.
SIN: This album is more deep in our thoughts compared to the last album. Compared to QUATTRO, I feel that I’ve cooperated with songs that will be interesting to the fans with different kind of images and thoughts. There is no change in the image of LOKA, but I am excited to hear fans’ reactions to this album.
KEN’ICHI: It’s a new chapter for LOKA.

Earlier this year, you recorded a song for a KUROYUME tribute album. How did this opportunity come about? Are you fans of KUROYUME?

Kihiro: SADS’s guitarist K-A-Z and drummer GO are great friends of mine. This opportunity came from K-A-Z and I was really excited and happy to get the opportunity. Of course, I enjoy listening to KUROYOME. My favorite song is Shonen.
SIN: I am a fan of KUROYOME, as I played in a KUROYOME cover band when I was in high school!
KEN’ICHI: I'm not a fan of the band, but I know their music because KUROYUME is very popular in Japan.

What runs through your mind when you look back at your old songs?

Kihiro: I think it reminds me of how we’ve improved as a band.
SIN: At that time, I didn’t make songs for the first album. Now, I always play these songs as I’m a member of LOKA. Whenever I listen to our old songs, it reminds me of the image and thoughts of LOKA, and how much we have changed and improved.
KEN’ICHI: It always reminds us of the history of LOKA.

Out of all your MVs, which one is your personal favourite and why?

Kihiro: TSUBASA TRIGGER. We used a real plane for this MV, and I feel that it’s the most memorable one.
SIN: BREATHE ME OUT THE SHADOW. It was the first MV that I participated in, and I personally enjoy that one the most.
KEN’ICHI: Naked to my Soul. That MV has a real “sex, drugs & rock ‘n’ roll” feel. Also, the concept is so clear and easy to feel.

Is there any new sound or musical style you would like to explore?

Kihiro: I’d like to try house or rock combined with glitch hop and maybe dance. Someday, I want to make some music that’s completely outside the box for LOKA.
SIN: I’ve challenged lots of genres as a guitarist, but I personally want to explore the style of relaxation and calmness, which is played on an acoustic guitar.
KEN’ICHI: Anything that doesn’t involve screaming.

What inspires you to make music?

Kihiro: Whenever something pops up in my head, I try to turn that to music.
SIN: I don’t think when I play the guitar at home, but once I listen to something interesting, I try to copy it and use that for creating songs.
KEN’ICHI: I have a lot of reasons and feelings when I write music. It's not easy to explain.

If you could learn to play a new musical instrument, what would that musical instrument be?

Kihiro: I want to play the piano as I think this instrument will support me in making music. I’m learning to play right now.
SIN: I want to try the violin or cello. I personally think string instruments are all about me, and the idea of playing a completely different style from the guitar gives me the motivation to challenge myself.
KEN’ICHI: I want to learn how to play piano well. I like the sound and feeling.

What is your best and worst memory of being in LOKA?

Kihiro: Every time we get through a tough situation, it’s always a good memory. There weren’t any bad memories and there will never be any.
SIN: Going to countries and places that I didn’t expect. Everywhere I go is always a good memory for me.
KEN’ICHI: Nothing yet.

What are your thoughts on Katsumi’s decision to leave?

KEN’ICHI: It’s his choice. I have nothing to say.

Are there any plans to recruit a new band member?

Kihiro: If the person fits LOKA well, it’s certainly a possibility.
KEN’ICHI: Of course! I think we could use a new member.

How do you think Katsumi’s absence will affect LOKA’s music?

KEN’ICHI: It will only contribute to the new chapter of our band.

What’s the last song you listened to?

Kihiro: Shoshikantetu by The Kanmuri.
SIN: Nothin' You Can Do About It by Airplay.

What is your motto in life?

Kihiro: Having a blast!
SIN: There’s only one life for every human being and I want to make the most of mine. I want to die with a happy ending.
KEN’ICHI: Enjoying myself in any situation.

From our interview in 2013, we know that you enjoy watching anime. Do you have any recent anime to recommend to our readers?

Kihiro: Recently, I am enjoying manga. I recommend “Tokyo Ghoul” and “Aijin”.
SIN: Unfortunately, my TV has been broken for the past year and I’ve not been able to catch up with anime, but I highly recommend “Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day”. I watched it five times and I cried five times.
KEN’ICHI: Sorry, I’m not really up-to-date with recently released anime.

What are your future plans?

Kihiro: Releasing a new album and going on tour!
SIN: We’re going to release our new album and head out on tour. I want to go to many countries.
KEN’ICHI: We're recording our next album.

To wrap things up, do you have a message for JaME readers?

Kihiro: Thank you for always supporting us! We look forward to playing in your country!
SIN: We will definitely come back next time. Please wait for us! Also, we will be waiting for you in Japan.
KEN’ICHI: Thanks for reading this interview! We'll begin the new chapter of LOKA with you guys. It's going to be interesting. Please keep checking in on our activities and don’t miss it!

JaME would like to thank LOKA for this interview opportunity.

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