
CHAI - Homegoro Series

09/05/2017 2017-05-09 00:01:00 JaME Author: Rachel

CHAI - Homegoro Series

With the release of their second EP, CHAI are four girls with a mission to rock the boundaries of the conventional.

© OTEMOYAN record
Mini-Album CD

Homegoro Series


CHAI's second EP, Homegoro Series, begins with Sound & Stomach and the sound is very much a mix of funk and ultra-sweet pop with a bit of an indie twist. This might sound like a strange catalogue of genres but the four-piece girl-band from Nagoya are stretching the boundaries; this collection of new tracks is undeniably original and their musical style defies conformity.

The ever changing style of this EP is boggling to listen to but never perturbing as CHAI own the musical strangeness listeners are listening to here. As Cool Cool Vision takes over from Sound & Stomach listeners are subjected to a faster pace and a techno style laced with cheeky pop melodies. Boys・Seco・Men then takes a more pop-punk route with a catchy guitar melody and vocals that will win the ear-worm contest, so already we are three tracks in and we have three completely separate but highly enjoyable pieces of musical mastery.

CHAI keep things interesting; their music is catchy and fun without being overly irritating. At some points on the EP the vocal pitch can be a little overbearing but the deep bass lines and the changing pace of each track allow them to hold your attention and keep you listening right to the very end.

sayonara complex finishes the EP with a pleasant, almost r'n'b mood with a slower tempo and smooth vocals including harmonies that are definitely the most pleasing on the whole release. The composition flits between r'n'b, funk and pop seamlessly with a constant beat, a simple guitar melody and softer, less grating, vocal work.

Homegoro Series is an EP worth the listen if you are into musical artists that don't stick to the rules. This new release from CHAI does just that, experimenting with multiple genres and throwing them together on one EP but not falling short of spectacular.

Watch the music video for sayonara complex below:


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