Live Report

SID 15th Anniversary GRAND FINAL at Yokohama Arena ~Sono mirai e~

07/05/2019 2019-05-07 00:01:00 JaME Author: Mirta Arizola & Julia Marcos

SID 15th Anniversary GRAND FINAL at Yokohama Arena ~Sono mirai e~

Rock band SID celebrated their steampunk-themed 15th anniversary grand final live at the Yokohama Arena on March 10th, bringing fans on a memorable trip through the band’s music history.

© Toshikazu Oguruma / Hideaki Imamoto
The trip began as the introduction movie for the show played on the wide screen over the stage. A steampunk pirate-like ship flew across the screen amidst a storm. It was taken back in time, a “2011” showing alongside it.

With a triumphal music tone, the movie zoomed in on the main gates of the ship and they opened. Suddenly, the SID members walked on stage as if coming from the ship, dressed in brown steampunk uniforms that matched well with the bronze cogs and gears that adorned the bottom of the stage and drum riser. Vocalist Mao wore a black armband on his left arm and a brown cape; the bassist wore an army hat of the same style.

The ship had indeed taken fans back to 2011 as NO LDK was the first song of the night as well as the first song of SID’s 2011 album dead stock. After the opening song, clocks appeared on the screen and started moving forward for ANNIVERSARY, which was released in 2013. The wide screen was divided into smaller screens to show each member. The vocalist encouraged the fans to sing along to parts of the song led by him.

Rainbow colors danced on stage and Mao greeted the fans as V.I.P began. To make them feel as special as the song title, Mao entered the arena on the left side, singing and greeting the fans and even touching their waving hands.

For the first MC of the night Mao told the fans he had jam-packed the set for the anniversary show and to enjoy it till the very end before introducing the next song, cosmetic. The big ship flew towards the full moon while the side screens showed the tour logo. The LEDs on stage shone red, and white spotlights danced around for the song, also from the 2011 album. Then, pink and blue lights shone on the stage decorations for KILL TIME. Aki and Mao switched places while the song gave Shinji and Yuya the opportunity to showcase themselves and take the spotlight with solo parts.

Flashing lights and psychedelic images on the screen set the tone for Wana. A second MC break followed, showcasing each member:

“I’m really glad we made it to 15 years. Standing here in front of you all performing is my strength,” Aki said and he blew a kiss to the fans before continuing, "I think today’s 15th anniversary is a huge launching point for us. Let’s make it a great show! Let’s introduce the next member. Well … these days I prefer ramen over guitar. Let’s introduce him with a big voice! On guitar, Shinji!”

Shinji greeted the fans on cue and then addressed the bassist on their inside joke, “Hey, this year you talked too much about ramen! Always calling me ramen. Speaking of ramen, in the past ramen used to be long and thin ... Since today’s ramen is often thick and long, I think I’d like SID to become that kind of thick and long band too … Hey, this isn’t a dirty joke.”

Shinji then introduced the drummer Yuya, who also greeted the fans and then said, “If you guys hadn’t supported us we wouldn’t have been able to make it ... I want to hit this stage with all the memories of the last few years, so let’s have fun until the end!”

Last but not least vocalist Mao was introduced by Yuya. Mao cheerfully said, “Today, the members are looking even cooler than usual. You all are looking even nicer too! Just now, I was watching Shinji’s guitar solo from the side and I thought, ‘Ah, so this is the kind of guy that girls fall for, huh.’ It’s not fair, being a guitarist. But am I looking good too?” The audience roared a “Yes!” and Mao continued, “Really? Well, all of you are making an even better face! Let’s have fun till the end today! The next song is our debut song, Monochrome no kiss.”

The stage was bathed in blue lights for the iconic debut song, also remembered as the opening theme for the anime “Black Butler”. Uso from “FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST” followed and it brought Shinji even further into the arena. Thin fanned lasers danced to the rhythm. Hosoikoe got the flying ship gliding through an aurora borealis over a landscape going from fall to winter, towards a snowy mountain top. Smoke filled the stage and snow fell harder on the screen; a disco ball reflected light to complete the icy winter feeling. Nidome no kanojo and Snow made more defined snowflakes fall on the screen, enveloping the ship. The sun came out after the storm though, and true to its name, Hanabira made the ship sail over flowers as spring arrived and petals twirled around, and lyrics were flashed on screen as smoke kept filling the stage.

The beginning of dummy saw the screens ask the arena “Are you ready?” and the wide screen was divided to show each member on a dedicated camera. Mao went back into the arena and encouraged fans to scream into his microphone for parts of the song. Black and white stripes that faded like smoke from time to time were shown on the screens for Rinjin. Propose followed, Mao singing part of the song while holding a lucky fan’s hand, and everyone headbanged at one point. Everyone jumped to the beat for Memai as fire blazed in front of the stage and on the screens, and the ship flew among fire and boulders.

The band members left the stage and came back for the encore wearing new stylish formal outfits such as suits, long furry coats and blazers, except for Aki who stuck to a t-shirt. For the sad ballad Kara no binsen, sora eno tegami, Shinji played an acoustic guitar.

Before the next song Mao greeted the fans once more. “How has it been tonight? Fun? Well today we’ve played a lot of songs from our past. But I also want to show you guys the future of SID, so with that said, let’s play a new song. A lot has happened over these 15 years but we wouldn’t be able to be where we are if you all hadn’t walked along beside us. Thank you so much. Please listen to the new song, Kimiiro no asa.”

Junkan followed and the fans screamed each member’s name in turns during the intro. Mao and Shinji went towards the arena area once more during the song. Dear Tokyo and one way had fans dancing while the ship flew among fireworks. When the songs ended, the ship’s gates opened to show news for 2019: new live dates and a collaboration tour with other artists, as well as a new album release and hall tour.

The ship’s gates closed once again and the last song of the night Sono mirai e sent disco ball reflections around the arena once more as the ship flew towards SID’s bright future. The fans sang along to the lyrics as the chorus appeared on the screen, and as the last surprise of the night, heart shaped paper planes fell around the arena for the fans to keep as mementos.

Before leaving, Mao was overwhelmed with emotions and Yuya waited before leaving to comfort him with a hug. Shinji threw guitar picks while Yuya high-fived fans.

Each member had their final MC:

Aki: Thank you for the 15 years of cheering us on. We will become an even cooler band from now on. We will return soon. Please come meet us then! We love you all. Please continue supporting us from now on too. Bye bye!

Shinji: Thank you! Recently, I’ve thought a lot about what happiness is. It’s pretty much two things, isn’t it? Eating good food, and having days like today. Thank you so much! Keep supporting us from now on too!

Yuya: Amazing! Thank you for always being such a great audience for us. I am so happy. We performed a lot, huh. We’ll keep going and moving forward so please keep cheering us on. Let’s meet on the next tour!

Mao: Thank you for the great show and this great view. From NO LDK onwards I was able to have my revenge thanks to you guys. Performing today I thought, ‘SID is not just us. It’s the staff, the record company, the fans.’ I want to continue onwards while treasuring it all even more. Like the airship you’ve seen tonight, SID and I, too, have had times where we fly uneasily, soar and fall. I’ve once thought, ‘Why is it that I can’t always fly?’ But this soaring and falling is what makes up these 15 years. Please lend us your support us through those times too. Likewise, whenever you all feel like you’re falling, we’ll lift you up with our music. Leave it to us! Let me hear your voice. The loudest it’s ever been in these 15 years! I love you!

May SID keep sailing safely for many more years.

Set list

01. NO LDK
03. V.I.P
04. cosmetic
06. Wana
07. Monochrome no kiss
08. Uso
09. Hosoikoe
10. Nidome no kanojo
11. Snow
12. Hanabira
13. dummy
14. Rinjin
15. Propose
16. Memai

01. Kara no binsen, sora eno tegami
02. Kimiiro no asa
03. Dear Tokyo
04. one way
05. Sono mirai e


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