

28/03/2006 2006-03-28 12:00:00 JaME Author: Kinsao


12012 - PLAY DOLLs TYPE B CD review

Album CD



My spirits are up at the beginning of this, with a nice opening riff. When the vocals and bass kick in, yes, I am still liking it. The backing effects are kind of ‘haunting’ and there are interesting variations in the second verse. I also like the speaking part, which adds a bit more variety. However, the chorus melody is missing something, for me – could be because it’s a bit too major (if there is such a thing! I mean too major for my liking…) and it loses a little pace. But the links hit the spot! The guitars are subtle but sharp and twangy, and the bass interest is well-maintained. The outro could maybe do with a little something more to hit all the right buttons.

My Room Agony
Good rythmic start (although a tad on the same level as the previous song). At 1/30 you can hear the bass a bit more, and the song also lightens a little, although it’s still relentless. The slower break works quite well, but it’s not really holding my interest – I think it needs a bit more variation in the drums. The guitar solo isn’t special and the guitar tone is annoyingly harsh, but the bassline is nice. I actually like the backing vocals better than the main line! As I’m listening, this song is growing on me… I like the more melodic bits – the tune is good and well-sung. The little descending drumbeat at the end is also a nice touch.

Wriggle Girls
I reserve judgement on this one at first, as it sounds very much along the same lines as the first two. It’s quieter, with a good tune, and the guitars used sparingly but to good effect. I’m not so sure about the backing vocals – they don’t detract exactly, but do they add anything? The break at 2/20 could also be more interesting. The drums have a very piercing quality to them and IMO they could benefit from a little variation (although some nice drumming at 3/28!).

It’s OK, but not particularly distinctive. It’s got very much a ‘12012 sound’, but in the negative sense of not being different enough. Nice arpeggio, but would have been nice to have it underlined a little more. (n.b. These songs need some good guitar solos!)

With Shallow
Nice opening! – drums and guitar both good. Catchy riff. Bass picked out… Yes, I’m liking this… It’s not too dense and overdone, and the tone on the drums is good (not too hissy). In fact, the drumming is good, period. The backing vocals are in keeping. (For some reason it makes me think of summer!) The tone on the guitar solo is good, although I’d have liked a little more spectacular solo -maybe even something a bit jazzy – rather than a repeat of the main riff. It’s good the way the song is built up while managing not to get monotonous. The other backing vocals at the end are good, too. The song is sustained well, especially considering it’s a slow song.

Good intro but a bit ‘standard’. I like the staccato guitar in the verse. The drumming is good – kind of syncopated in parts. The melody is interesting, too – this is my favourite so far. The quiet/loud contrast works well and the harmonies are good. I love the little drum break at 3:10!

Cheeky Doll
This song sounds just like the title makes you think it should sound! The intro is cool and catchy and got my foot tapping. The main melody does seem a little out of place somehow, but at 1:40 there is an interesting shift in focus with more intensity building up in the vocal. I love the fun little break at 2:20 – and they got it right with the great jazzy guitar riff! The melancholy little section at 3:12 worked surprisingly well (I wish I knew the lyrics!).

Calf Love
Higher register vocals and a gentler song. Good shivery-sounding drumming contrasts well with the soaring backing. At 1:15 the quality in the lower voice range is very good, and in fact this song shows off the singing really well. It would be nice to have a rest from the backing a little bit, though… The fast arpeggio behind the solo sounds nice, I wish I could hear it a bit more clearly… the bass is also more audible here. The song tends to drag just a fraction towards the end but it’s redeemed by some interesting drumming.

The Swim
Nice intro – something a bit different from the other songs. Great crisp guitars… Sexy vocals! This one is the most unique on the album so far. I’d like to hear that same crispness in the solo, but it was still in keeping with the mood. I think this is one of my favourites!

Queer Passion
I like the bass in the intro, even though you have to listen quite hard to hear it. The contrast is good, too. The song as a whole is good but it doesn’t set itself apart from the others on this album. There’s a great expressive vocal range here – the most emotional out of them all – and I like the ‘silence break’ and the little riff near the end.

All in all, it’s a good album; but for me, it would have benefited from having a bit more variety in textures and techniques between the different songs, and some hot and biting guitar solos! There’s a certain ‘sameness of sound’ about it that keeps it from being a really ‘great’ album. IMO, 7.5/10.

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