
GLAMOROUS HONEY - Brilliant Honey

08/05/2006 2006-05-08 12:00:00 JaME Author: Scottie Wolfe

GLAMOROUS HONEY - Brilliant Honey

Truly brilliant.

Single CD

Brilliant Honey


Another day, another review! Luckily, this single was pure bliss.

I’ve always been a fan of Elldorado’s music. There was just something… majestic about it. When I found out that Glamorous Honey happens to be Yuki’s new project, I was naturally curious and drawn to them. I got my hands on their latest single, BRILLIANT HONEY and gave it whirl. I went in with no expectations, but came out a fan.

While their music differs from Elldorado’s, it’s safe to say that this band has a lot of potential!

TRACK 1- Ashita no Mukou
This song is a great way to start the day. It’s pure, it’s innocent and it’s just plain fun to listen to. Yuki feels right at home here and the melody fits him like a glove. It has an all-around “happy” feel to it, something that can always make a song a memorable one. You’ll be humming it at work all day, I can guarantee it.

TRACK 2- Drug on Heavenly
I have to get this off my chest: this song sounds like something Merry would come up with. It’s swing-rock at its best! The drums pound their way through the song as the guitar lick maintains that jazzy feel we oh-so-love. The chorus isn’t anything to write home about, but the guitar solo is godly. If you’ve never played the air-guitar before, get your fingers ready! This one has attitude!

TRACK 3- Pray
I’m sure this slow song was made with one purpose in mind: to relax the listener after the first two rockers. It’s simplistic, ballad-rock but it does the job. Overall, it is the least memorable song of the three, but that by no means translates as “it sucks”. It’s very solid and has enough of a hook to make you come back for repeated listens.

This single is a very safe purchase. Anyone who enjoys rock will get a kick out of this and be proud to display it in his/her collection. Pick it up, it will not disappoint!

OVERALL SCORE: 8/10 for being very enjoyable, if not mind-blowing. Definately an outfit to keep your eyes on!

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