
Nakashima Mika - MY SUGAR CAT

21/08/2006 2006-08-21 12:00:00 JaME Author: Scottie

Nakashima Mika - MY SUGAR CAT


Single CD


Mika Nakashima

Mika’s back and she's got feline accompaniment. It seems she’s gotten a hold of things since her last release, resulting in a single that is actually enjoyable to listen to while avoiding the pop-clichés that doomed All Hands Together. I’m thinking it’s because this release was not a collaboration with other artists, resulting in her having free reign (or almost) of her music. Apparently, she even tried new things: the overall pop-jazz sound we’ve grown accustomed to has been replaced by something that can only be described as pop-reggae. Let me tell you, though: it really does work.

Interestingly enough, this is one of the few releases that actually has a cover that matches the feeling you get while listening to it: I can’t think of a better time to pop this one in than during a late-summer sunset.

Starts off nice and lounge-inspired, leading you to think you’re in for the usual Mika treatment, before quickly turning things around and leading us into a pop song with reggae influences, complete with the genre’s signature “wa-wa”-ed guitar. Yes, it is a shame the lounge-factor disappears quickly, but we’re lucky because the main vibe of the song is actually very enjoyable, even to non-reggaers like myself. It’s much more pleasant than All Hands Together, mostly because it’s a nice send off to the summer, perfect for those evening sunsets as I mentioned above.

•02 - Koishikute
Nice trumpet intro, very film noir. However, it doesn’t last past the 15 second mark. Just as the first track pulled a 180 on us, this one does the same. Everything falls into reggae land and we’re taken on a slow-paced journey through the mind of this pop star-turned-actress. One thing fans will notice is that her vocal prowess really shines through on this song; her use of extensions and slight vibratos really showcase her talent, adding to her credibility as an amazing singer and helping this selection feel even more pleasant than it already does.

•03 - MY SUGAR CAT (Instrumental)
One of the few instrumental pop tracks I’ve encountered that actually manages to surpass the vocal version. The instrumentation is very strong and relaxing, something you don’t necessarily pick up on during the first track. Great evening background music if you want to relax after a hard day of work.

•04 - Koishikute (Instrumental)
Not as impressive as the My Sugar Cat instrumental. It fails to stand alone on its own, sounding more like background music on a world map in a “Super Mario Bros.” game. Close, but no cigar.

As summer comes to an end, most people want to get the most out of its final days. Because it takes the J-pop formula in different directions, I highly recommend that you pick this puppy up. I can guarantee that your evenings will end on a slightly higher note.

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