
Short interview with BLOOD in Paris

02/04/2004 2004-04-02 12:00:00 JaME Author: Tanja & Reyep Translator: Melony

Short interview with BLOOD in Paris

After their first concert in Europe, we were able to interview Kiwamu and Fu-Ki of the band BLOOD.

© cure
When did you decide to have a career in music?
Fu-ki: When I decided to be a vocalist.
Kiwamu: I'm not a musician, I'm an artist. I think that a musician is satisfied with just playing music. But I write songs, play them, design CD booklets, work on websites, video clips, etc. That's my form of expression.

What bands do you like, Japanese or foreign?
Kiwamu: Artists from 4AD's label, the cure, and HANOI ROCKS. I don't listen to any Japanese music.
Fu-ki: CRADLE OF FILTH, SLAYER, Malice Mizer, Dir en grey, Raphael, and plenty of others.
Kiwamu: Fu-ki likes violent music (laughs).

What is "visual kei" for you guys?
Kiwamu: To wear make-up as a form of expression.
Fu-ki: My attitude.
Kiwamu: You like make-up, right? (laughs)

Why have you decided to perform concerts outside of Japan?
Kiwamu: I know that there are fans who want our music. So we decided to go play in Europe. But the former members of our band quit as soon as we knew that the concert was sold out. I found their attitudes very irresponsible, so then I went to look for a good singer.
Fu-ki: When I joined the band, the decision to play in Europe had already been made.

What did you think of your concert in Paris?
Fu-ki: Excellent! Even though I only recently joined the group, everyone greeted me. Thank you, everyone!
Kiwamu: It was very good. I think that we’ll return to play here again.

What did you think of the French audience?
Fu-ki: The French audience is very lively.
Kiwamu: There were plenty of attractive girls and the guys were very energetic.

Could you tell us about your new single [BLIND/morphine(TRANS mix.)]?
Fu-ki: It's going to be great! I hope that you will feel the chemistry that it gives off.
Kiwamu: I'm in the middle of working on it. The European version will have a 12-page booklet, and the Japanese version will have the karaoke version. When I formed BLOOD, I wrote the song [morphine], and that's why it's such an important song to me.

Can you say a few things to the European audience?
Fu-ki: I'm very influenced by European music; I will be happy to come back again soon. This autumn!
Kiwamu: We have decided to come back in September. We hope to go play in Germany and in Poland. Come see us!

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