
GLAY - Natsuoto / Hen na Yume~THOUSAND DREAMS~

15/09/2006 2006-09-15 12:00:00 JaME Author: Scottie

GLAY - Natsuoto / Hen na Yume~THOUSAND DREAMS~

Good things come to those who wait.

GLAY's latest offering is a mishmash of genres. It alternates between soft and energetic, something that all fans should be expecting. Things open up with a track that really shouldn't be where it is, leading to two that definitely could've stolen the show if they had been chosen in its place. However, the whole does give the listener an idea of what to expect from this outfit.

The opening track, Natsuoto, is a ballad-type song that begins the album with a gentle push as opposed to a swift kick like it should. Sure, it offers a glimpse at a softer side of the band, but that could've waited until after a bombastic opening. Now, I'm sure some of you are saying to yourselves: "Maybe the band wanted to stray from formula." Well, that's just it: it's a formula because it works. You can't expect to grab the listener's attention with a soft song right off the bat. When I think of GLAY, I definitely think of various genres, but "rock" always sticks out above the rest. I think it's safe to say that most fans see them in the same light, which is why opening with a ballad is a big no no. Anyways, as for the song itself: it's a nice little track that does the job without actually standing out. However, its piano and acoustic melodies are accompanied by a very beautiful string arrangement that definitely deserves recognition. It's outstanding, really!

Henna Yume ~Thousand Dreams~ and Lock on You are what the fans were expecting at first, a little something to rock out to. This is the GLAY we all know and love! "Better late than never" has never been more appropriate than now, because it's obvious the boys mean business when these two kick in. Nice melodic guitars and some catchy choruses make these sure-fire hits with fans. Of special note are the beautifully mastered squeals, something rarely found in Takeo and Hisashi's performances. Track 2 also sports an awesome solo where both guitarists duel-pick to the death. It's extremely entertaining, not to mention awe-inspiring! Both of these songs are some of the better GLAY-rockers to come out in the last few years.

Verdict? Definitely worth the purchase if you want to own two great rock songs that really shine some new light on an outfit that had begun to lose itself in monotony. The title track is nice too, although it will eventually dissapear into the great big sea of pop-ballads thanks to its generic sound and failure to break barriers.

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