

24/09/2006 2006-09-24 12:00:00 JaME Author: Cynthia


A review of HYDE's fourth solo album.

It's pretty much a guarantee that whenever HYDE is the vocalist of a song, it will sound amazing due to his strong vocals.

That is exactly how this album begins with Jesus Christ. It's obvious that HYDE is showing off the range of his voice by going from low to high pitch and holding those long notes. Countdown is nothing less of its predecessor, it's just as good, and even the catchiest track on the album. The actual countdown part of the song is just so much fun and even after the track is over; you’re still counting down as remnants of the song stays with you.

Like any album, by any artist there will be some tracks that just don't stand out and unfortunately there were a couple on FAITH. Made in Heaven and Season's Call just didn't seem to reach me; there wasn't anything special about them. They're good songs, I can listen to them again, but I definitely wouldn't choose them first from this album.

The best track of the album is #4 I Can Feel. It's an amazing song and definitely my favorite. I had to listen to this track several times before I would allow myself to continue with the album. This song shows the strength of HYDE's voice and his ability to use that voice to radiate such emotion; it's simply breathtaking!

Considering FAITH is the album titled track, I was rather disappointed. Been given some amazing first tracks, I expected so much more from this one. It's a great song, but it is a "typical HYDE song".

Dolly threw me off for a bit. At first I didn't like it, but I think the music is the more dominant part rather then HYDE's voice. His voice is amazing, but I think this track would have been better if it were instrumental. The guitar is harder, the drumming amazing and strong, and there's even a bass solo! Another track which threw me off was Mission. It doesn't start off fantastic, but as it progresses it gets better! The guitar and drums are what strikes me the most, but this time with HYDE's voice it just adds the perfect touch, taking the track a notch higher.

Finally, the first and only slow song of the album! Perfect Moment is very soothing and relaxing; this is another song where emotions can be felt. The back-up vocals (which is HYDE) mixed with the guitar are a perfect match, which makes the song powerful enough to where emotion *is* felt.

It's Sad is a crazy and heavy song! Most albums I've listened to have a generally have a "bring me down from a high" type song since it is the last track, but not this one! It actually made my blood begin to boil, the hype and excitement coming back to where I immediately started the album over again once it finished.

OVERALL RATING: 8/10. HYDE made a wonderful album, but given the man's talent and previous work, I expected a bit more. His voice was amazing and his decision of support members was excellent! I look forward to the next HYDE release.

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