
Interview with Gram∞Maria.

03/12/2006 2006-12-03 12:00:00 JaME Author: Storrm

Interview with Gram∞Maria.

An interview with Gram∞Maria after their first and only overseas gig in Poland.

© Gram∞Maria
The indies visual kei band Gram∞Maria performed overseas for the first time in Warsaw, Poland, in October 2006. After the concert, we had a small interview with shi-no, the leader, songwriter and vocalist of the band.

First of all: how did you like the show?
shi-no: I felt the greatest in my life! Polish fans are the greatest in the world!!!

I have to say I was stunned when I heard the piano songs. They were really beautiful.
shi-no: I would like to sing more beautiful songs, just like I would like to sing more hard songs. Gram∞Maria is not metal, not pop and not gothic either. I’m just not into only hard or only soft music. I would like all of you to feel that Gram∞Maria’s music is infinity.

What about the audience? The reaction of the people seemed to be really good and they enjoyed the concert very much. Were you expecting this?
shi-no: It was great!!! I feel that the audience itself made the concert so wonderful. I heard that many fans couldn't go back their homes because the concert was finished too late and I was worried about them. Please take care and I want to meet all of you again.

Is there a big difference between a Polish and a Japanese audience?
shi-no: No, everyone who loves Gram∞Maria loves the music. The country is different but the heart of the fans is the same. I like both audiences.

Would you like to perform here again?
shi-no: Yes, of course, and in spring 2007 we will come again!

How would you describe your music? What style is it?
shi-no: Our music is infinity. Sometimes it's very hard, at other times it's very soft, it has a sad feeling or a kind feeling, it's not only metal. I like all kinds of music and because of that I don't make music in only one style. Music is infinity, in my opinion.

What is important for you when you write your music? What inspires you?
shi-no: People and friends, lost love, hate and just a little happiness. I often feel sad and I think so much about other people. Gram∞Maria’s songs are not only about sadness: the more you listen to it the more you will be able to understand.

What about the lyrics? Many people don’t know Japanese. Could you tell us what you want to share through your lyrics, what is the message?
shi-no: For the lyrics, it’s the same as with the music. At first, I only decide the title and I write the lyrics. Then, I make music for the lyrics.

We know that beside normal job and recording songs you still have time for designing and making clothes for the band. How can you do all those things? Is your day longer and does it have more hours?!
shi-no: I'm very busy... I only sleep a few hours or don’t sleep at all every night but I don't feel tired. Gram∞Maria is my life; fans are waiting for me. I will think about myself in the future.

Do you like cooking? I have heard it is your job, right?
shi-no: Yes, I had a restaurant but now I don't work anymore. I like cooking, but my job is being a musician!

Do you feel like standing against the others? In Poland, goths are regarded as rebels. Is it same in Japan?
shi-no: Please come to Japan someday and talk about it with Japanese Gramers!

Do you wear these kind of clothes in your everyday life? Is it something strange on Japanese streets?
shi-no: I wear Vivienne Westwood, Takuya Angel and Yasuyuki Konishi. In Poland, people stared at me on the streets and I don't know why. I like my style!

How do ‘normal’ people in Japan react to visual kei and the visual music scene?
shi-no: Visual kei is not famous in Japan. Not everybody knows the Visual kei scene and some know just few a bands. Japanese people don't like makeup or hard music.

This is not your first visit to Poland, right?
shi-no: Yes, in July I visited Poland. I saw the live house and I met Polish people. I felt good because I wanted to play the concert!

How do you like our country?
shi-no: I like it VERY MUCH!!!!! I want to live here, hahaha!

Thanks to Gram∞Maria, Ukiyo-e and Li.


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