Live Report

Electric Eel Shock; Live in Nottingham, UK

15/12/2006 2006-12-15 12:00:00 JaME Author: Kiri

Electric Eel Shock; Live in Nottingham, UK

Report of Electric Eel Shock's visit to Rock City in Nottingham during the 'You Bastard' UK Tour

© JaME
Electric Eel Shock are no strangers to the United Kingdom, and as I arrived at the intimate Rock City Basement venue, there was already a large number of fans congregating outside, waiting for the doors to open. The hall was almost filled, with people crowding around the small stage all eagerly expecting the band. The Basement has a casual atmosphere, that feels more like one is socialising with the band rather than passively watching. Aki has said he prefers intimate venues where the band can have a closer relationship with the fans. Indeed, when they arrived, to loud cheering and hands thrusting into the air in the 'metal' sign, the three members of Electric Eel Shock walked on stage waving and pointing at the crowd mouthing 'Hi!'. Their infectious energy could be felt by the already excited crowd creating an incredible atmosphere, and they hadn't even played a note yet! It was clear a great gig awaited us and Electric Eel Shock did not disappoint.

Kazuto and Aki interacted with the crowd while Gian stripped down to his usual gig attire (a strategically placed sock), and then with a scream, Aki announced the first song, 'Suicide and rock and roll', and the fans went wild. The packed area in front of the stage was a hive of frenetic activity with arms punching the air and bodies bouncing off each other. Their raw energy was released into just over one hour of crazy punk madness. In between songs, the band swigged on bottles of Becks to refresh themselves and responded to fans shouting 'You Bastard!' (the title of the tour, not a heckle) by shouting 'You Bastard!' back. The band really looked as though they were having fun.

They continued to play through a succession of songs from older albums, including Vegas Night and Rock & Roll Can Rescue the World with a nice mix of songs with both Japanese and English lyrics. The sound was perfect, with equally matched strong guitar and bass, and the drums were set at a level so it all came together wonderfully. Aki's distinctive vocals were easily heard too. They also treated fans to some of their new material with Kill the Weekend and Joe.

As the gig continued, the band got even closer to the crowd. Kazuto hung from the low rafters of the Basement, hovering his mic stand above the crowd so we could sing along, and at one point he left the stage briefly for a stroll along the adjacent bar top. The Rock City staff who were expecting people to buy drinks and not walk around on the bar didn't quite know what to make of it all. Kazuto posed for photos and reached out towards those fans who were not quite so close to the stage, and the nearby crowd responded. He stayed on the bar top for a few minutes before returning to the stage, leaping effortlessly down with his guitar.

Over at the merchandise table meanwhile, a pair of 'Beat Me' hotpants were being sold, so mid-gig when the band launched into Beat Me (the title track from their most recent album) a portly gentleman stripped down to his 'Beat Me' hotpants and joined the trio on stage. It made for a hilarious moment, and amazingly the guys managed to continue playing through the 'interruption' perfectly. Later on, a girl dressed only in a net top, cowboy hat and 'Beat Me' hotpants had her turn, dancing around on stage to the obvious delight of all males in the room.

Near the end of the concert, the band stopped for a short MC to announce the band in turn. Then came the song Bastard with Aki stirring the fans into a great chorus of 'Bastard' chants before they launched into the song with even more vigour, and a small circular mosh pit opened up in front of the stage. This was followed by cream for Me, and as the song ended, Electric Eel Shock drew out the ending, with jumps and mini guitar solos, and leaning over the crowd again with mics. Sadly it seemed to be over, but they went out with style, leaping around and playing on their guitar.

They only left for a few minutes. "We want more!" yelled Nottingham, and Electric Eel Shock didn't need much persuading.
"I hope this is ok, because we were going to play one more song, but I want to play two more songs," Aki announced with a smile. There was much cheering and more air punching, and Electric Eel Shock played the two encore songs, Speedy Joe from their first album, and finally, Do the Metal.

It was overall an incredible concert; energetic, thrilling and a night of fantastic punk rock. It was their second time in Nottingham and they make a bigger impression every time they visit. As I left I noticed that Kazuto had quickly placed himself behind the merchandise table, and I briefly bumped into Aki too. Such a friendly band, great atmosphere, and one of the most exciting live acts I have ever seen.

Suicide Rock & Roll
Vegas Night
Big Mistake
Dice De Try
Rock & Roll Can Rescue The World
Kill The Weekend (new song)
Joe (new song)
My Tiger
Beat Me
Scream For Me
Speedy Joe
Do The Metal


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Electric Eel Shock
Rock City
United Kingdom