
Q&A Panel with Uchusentai NOIZ

10/12/2006 2006-12-10 12:00:00 JaME Author: Sarah

Q&A Panel with Uchusentai NOIZ

The group of intergalatic space heroes took some time at PMX to speak with the press and their fans.

© JaME
Uchusentai NOIZ touched down at the Pacific Media Expo at the end of October to take part in two concerts, performed back to back. The band held a press conference Sunday morning, which JaME was privileged to attend. Both press and some fans were in attendance and questions came from both the various press outlets and the fans themselves.

This is the first time you guys have come to America? Are there any places you would like to go sight-seeing or have had a chance to go sight-seeing?

ANGEL-TAKA: Yes, this is the first time. We all got our passports issued for the first time in order to come here. (looks to the other band members) So where do we wanna go? (answering his own question) Where ever there are fans that wanna see us!

Do you have any plans to go to Disneyland or Universal Studios?

NOIZ: We don't have the time.

(fans say 'awww' softly)

ANGEL-TAKA: It's hard to be a star, you know!

Are there any American dishes you would particularly like to try?

MASATO: We've already tried a 20oz steak. And I finished it. (looking over his flat stomach) Though it was 20oz, I don't know where it went....

Who first came up with the idea of these visuals?

MASATO: We were born this way. No make-up involved.

ANGEL-TAKA: The transformation took about two hours--

MASATO: (jokingly) Don't say that!

I've heard you're all from different planets; how did you all meet then?

S@TT-ON: We're all employees; that's how we all met. We work for a company called Hero Resource Management.

KYO: We're all salary men, when it comes down to it.

How was your performance yesterday? What're your feelings on it?

ANGEL-TAKA: It was our first performance so we were a little nervous and didn't know what to expect. But it was great! We're looking forward to tonight's performance because it's going to be even more of a party atmosphere.

What drives your acts, like your dances and interactions with the audiences and band mates?

MASATO: It goes back to... we were born this way.

KYO: And because it's part of the Hero Resource Management company.

ANGEL-TAKA: But on a serious note, it really stems directly from the music, the beats, and the rhythm. It just naturally occurs (he demonstrates some of the dancing to the amusement of the fans).

Are there other superheroes you would like to meet?

ANGEL-TAKA: The Power Rangers.

KYO: The X-men.

MASATO: I don't know if you'd consider them as heroes, but the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Cowabunga!

How did the name Uchusentai NOIZ come about?

ANGEL-TAKA: It's part of the business! On a more serious note, we were asked to protect the planet Earth.

Were you aware of having such a large fanbase in the US? Did you expect to have such a good turn-out?

ANGEL-TAKA: We were aware that we had some fans here in the US but we didn't expect to have so many.

Were you surprised at how many knew how to do the dances [that the audience does along with the band during the shows]?

ANGEL-TAKA: It was a big surprise! We wanted to hug everyone, every single person.

(the fans say 'awww')

MASATO: (teasingly) Awwww.

Have you considered opening up your fan club to international members?

ANGEL-TAKA: We don't have any particular plans at the moment, but if there are fans that would like to enroll, we would definitely welcome it.

You had an offer for your Japanese fan club to come over for your performance here. Has there been any thought as to if you have any big event over in Japan, you might bring some of the American fans, some of the international fans, over in the same way?

NOIZ: Ooooooh!!

ANGEL-TAKA: (in English) Good idea!

MASATO: Bring it on! But refreshments are limited to under 500yen.

(the fans seem slightly confused)

MASATO: That was a Japanese joke.

(fans laugh)

MASATO: (laughing with the fans, very over the top) MWAHA HA HA HA.

(this causes more laughter and it takes a moment for both fans and band to calm back down)

You guys obviously have great fashion sense. Where do you like to shop?

ANGEL-TAKA: Shibuya, Harajuku.

MASATO: Akihabara.

S@TT-ON: Ryōgoku, where they have the sumo tournaments.

How long have you been in existence and what's important for us to know about your band? Will there be more English-language information available about you on-line?

NOIZ: We formed our band in late 1999, so about six years now. Our one message is world peace. We are actually working on an English version of our website so if you could hold on for just a little longer....

I have a question for ANGEL-TAKA specifically. I read on your website that you're involved in a project collecting toothbrushes for the Philippines? How did you get involved in that and what has it done for you as a person?

ANGEL-TAKA: I don't know if others are aware of the situation, but in the Philippines- it's a poor society. The children are very poor and they don't have toothbrushes of their own. One toothbrush would cost the equivalent of dinner for a family of five, so it's not something they can afford to have. The end result is that these children have their teeth rot and their permanent teeth must be pulled. Knowing that, we went ahead and started the project and currently, we've collected ten thousand toothbrushes. It's important to note though that this is our project, Uchusentai NOIZ's project, and we've publicized it, but the reality is the people who've provided each and every one of those toothbrushes has been the fans. Our fans have collected and donated their spare ones from their home or gotten them from a hotel [in Japan there're always toothbrushes provided in hotels]. So while we organized it, the fans delivered.

What're your favourite costumes to wear?

MASATO: The afro hair.

ANGEL-TAKA: Nothing; I like being naked.

S@TT-ON: Anything that looks like a robot. R2-D2.

What kind of music do you normally listen to when not making your own?

ANGEL-TAKA: JOHNNY's [label that produces bands such as SMAP and Kat-Tun].

MASATO: Red Hot Chili Peppers. Underworld.

ANGEL-TAKA: Marilyn Manson. Hanoi Rocks. My hair style today is actually done in Michael's [from Hanoi Rocks] style. Oooo! (shows it off dramatically)

This is specifically for ANGEL-TAKA. Can you turn the lights off on your costume?

ANGEL-TAKA: Yes. But if I turn it off, my power is depleted.

(the fans say 'awww' while he then acts out slumping down with a hissing noise)

Recently you toured a consecutive number of days. Wasn't that exhausting?

S@TT-ON: Concerts are our livelihood.

I'd just like to clarify... was it one day after another? There was no break?

S@TT-ON: That's right.

ANGEL-TAKA: It was our summer concert series that was done continuously for thirty-two days. Having now finished that tour, we came over here.

Do you have a favorite memory or favorite venue from that tour?

ANGEL-TAKA: We enjoyed all of the different venues but the most memorable was yesterday's concert.

You guys have some pretty hot moves. Did any of you have any training as an actor or a dancer?

ANGEL-TAKA: We do train daily.

What kind of training?

ANGEL-TAKA: (stands and demonstrates to the laughter of the fans) We do this for about three-hours!

Do you have any specific songs you enjoy performing?

MASATO: All of them.

Who're your favourite X-Men?

MASATO: Wolverine.

ANGEL-TAKA: The guy with the eyepatch.... Cyclops?

Um... am I the only one who can see the guy in the corner there? [during the entire press conference, a man in a black costume with make-up and a thick, eel or fish-like tail has been sitting in a chair off to the side of the band] What is he?

ANGEL-TAKA: Only people with pure hearts can see him! He is an Una-King. The King of Eel.

What're your musical influences?

MASATO: It comes from the world; the sound that the planet wants us to bring to promote the world peace that we're striving for.

If you were not musicians, or space heroes, what would you be instead?

MASATO: Otaku.

S@TT-ON: Sushi chef.


TAKEswiy: Udon shop owner.

KYO: Yakuza.

When you're not busy saving the world, what other activities do you do? Like in your free time?

ANGEL-TAKA: Masturbate.

MASATO: (in English) Me too.


A serious answer!?

MASATO: That was the serious answer.

(more laughter; it takes a minute or two for the band and fans to regain their composure)

S@TT-ON: I've recently started to make silver jewelry. Just as a hobby.

I had a question but I've lost my train of that completely with that masturbation answer....

ANGEL-TAKA: (laughing; in English) Sorry, sorry!

What kind of jewelry is it? Will you be wearing it in the future?

S@TT-ON: It's been strictly a hobby for me thus far. I've done some rings, some pendants.... Once I get a collection going, I'm hoping to be able to hand it out to my fans.

What made each of you get into music? What made you chose that to express yourselves and to spread your message of world peace?

MASATO: Actually, the music chose us.

(a few fans giggle)

MASATO: (teasing them) You're not supposed to be laughing; that was a serious answer! You should be applauding! We're not comedians!

(the fans, still laughing, promptly applaud)

MASATO: (nodding his approval) Ah, that's how it should be!

S@TT-ON: On a serious note, it's more because we really only had music. We can only play music.

Each of your CD singles has a number. Is there an end to that or will it continue like a comic book?

ANGEL-TAKA: It is completed, with the thirteenth one out. When we were on our summer tour, we were able to complete those thirteen singles.

ANGEL-TAKA, are you aware you look a little bit like Ziggy [Stardust]?

ANGEL-TAKA: I looked in the mirror this morning and actually mistook myself for him!

Do you have fans recognizing you on the street in Japan when you're not wearing your make-up?

ANGEL-TAKA: Sometimes, but not often. And if they do, we congratulate them! "Congratulations on actually recognizing us!"

Are you willing to give the US any exclusive bit of news about your plans in the future?

ANGEL-TAKA: In regards to the American fanbase, we're trying to start a process where the American fans can buy our CDs directly. We're also thinking about an international fan club.

To touch on an earlier question, when you're not transformed, what kind of clothing style do you prefer?

MASATO: This is our everyday wear. What you're all wearing is what our version of 'dressing up' is.

Will you be touring outside of Japan again in the future?

ANGEL-TAKA: We want to come to America again, but there aren't any plans currently.

What have you done while in L.A. (Los Angeles) so far?

S@TT-ON: We went to Santa Monica, the third street promenade.

Dressed like that?

NOIZ: Of course!!

MASATO: We've shopped a little, eaten that steak dinner....

S@TT-ON: Unfortunately, there are a few members that haven't gone anywhere too. Like KYO-san and TAKEswy-san....

Since MASATO is an android... who built him?

MASATO: I was made so I obviously don't know who made me. I'm sure on the back of my neck, there's some kind of serial number (he rubs his neck as if feeling for it).

During the concerts, how do your Japanese fans compare to your fans in Europe and America? How different are they?

ANGEL-TAKA: It's pretty consistent.

MASATO: Everyone is energetic. We think the fans from last night might've been a bit restrained. I understand there were some chairs and they might've gotten in the way. Don't hold back and enjoy yourselves.

ANGEL-TAKA: No matter what country we're in, we're always playing at our best. So we think it's the same for the fans because they're responding to what we're giving.

Will you be going to Texas soon?

ANGEL-TAKA: If there's an invitation, we'd love to go!

MASATO: (looking around) Is there a Texan in the house?

(a fan raises her hand slowly)

NOIZ: Oooh.

MASATO: Please invite us.

(the fan jokingly motions invitingly towards the band; they laugh)

I understand there was filming last night and there may be filming again tonight. Are you going to be producing a video?

NOIZ: Oooh, good observation.

MASATO: At the end of this year, we're releasing a six volume set costing 20,000yen. It will include footage from the summer concert tour as well as our stay here in the United States and some documentary footage and commentary.

(fans exchange glances and sighs at the sound of the price)

S@TT-ON: You might be able to find it six months down the line on YouTube or something....

ANGEL-TAKA: But please buy it!

What kind of advice do you have for young musicians who're trying to make it?

MASATO: Continue and keep at it. Believe in yourself and never quit.

MASATO, where did you pick up your rapping skills?

MASATO: I was brought up in a house were we actually had access to MTV. My sister liked R&B music and I listened to it as well sometimes so it just came naturally.

Are there any rappers that you respect?

MASATO: There aren't any that I really respect, per se, but I do like Tupac, Ice Cube, and the Kottonmouth Kings.

(ANGEL-TAKA leans over to whisper something to MASATO who laughs)

.... What did ANGEL-TAKA whisper just now?

ANGEL-TAKA: I told him to say M.C. Hammer.

Do you have any message for your international fans who couldn't make it to see you?

ANGEL-TAKA: We're not limiting ourselves to just Japan. We are going out internationally so please wait for us!

Do you have any plans to visit other nations, aside America and where you've been before in Europe? Maybe other places in Europe or Canada?

MASATO: We definitely want to go.

ANGEL-TAKA: Our title is "Uchusentai NOIZ WORLD TOUR" and there have been other offers from other countries so we're planning on going out again. But right now, it's dependant on our Hero Resource Management Company.

Which cosplay has been your favorite so far [that you've seen at the convention]?

KYO: Orochimaru [from Naruto].

MASATO: Chii [from Chobits].

ANGEL-TAKA: Dir en Grey.

S@TT-ON: Gazette.

ANGEL-TAKA: And ANGEL-TAKA! MASATO! TAKEswiy! (pause) We were the correct answer; we should've thought of that earlier....

Have your costumes ever given you any trouble during a concert?

ANGEL-TAKA: We do have a lot of movement and sometimes it can be a problem, but so far it hasn't really been bad.

MASATO: We are battling on stage and so we expect our gear to receive some damage and get torn. It is part of our ordeal.

Are you involved in the design of your costumes?

S@TT-ON: TAKEswiy is our designer. He creates all of them.

Then TAKEswiy, do you give the better designs to the members you like more?

TAKEswiy: (laughs) No, no, I don't play favorites. I think of the individual band members and just use my imagination to come up with each design. It's not like I mass produce them and then hand out the good ones to my favorites. It's not like that.

Where do those ideas and influences for the costumes come from?

TAKEswiy: It just comes naturally. (acts out getting a sudden idea) Ah! (acts like he's writing it down) Ah! It's like a light bulb.

Do you have chances to meet intimately like this [referencing how close fans and the band are during the conference] with your fans in Japan?

KYO: Sometimes, but not usually.

Do you have any sort of ritual that you do before you go on stage?

ANGEL-TAKA: Chain smoke.

There's no cheer or anything?

MASATO: We don't interact much while getting ready but just before stepping on stage, we do raise our voices together.

Do you hang out together outside of the band?

MASATO: We tend to stick to ourselves.

ANGEL-TAKA: But sometimes we do karaoke. Though we get a little too excited when we're in the box by ourselves and end up nude at the end....

What sort of songs do you sing in karaoke?

S@TT-ON: X-Japan.

KYO: Gundam songs.

ANGEL-TAKA: Uchusentai NOIZ. Are any of our songs in American karaoke machines?

(the fans answer no)

ANGEL-TAKA: We'll try to get some in there!

Every super hero has a secret identity. We know they're supposed to be kept secret but would you mind sharing some information about yours?


S@TT-ON: My secret identity is the sun.

What are your weaknesses?

ANGEL-TAKA: (in English) Soft touch.

S@TT-ON: My hair in the back. It's my switch so if someone touches it....

Would you like to have your own sentai show or anime?

NOIZ: Yes, of course!

S@TT-ON: Actually, we do have an on-line game called O2Jam. It's a music game and you can play our songs.

Do you have an arch nemesis?

MASATO: He's sitting right there (motions to the Una-King). We just caught him recently.

ANGEL-TAKA: He somehow managed to sneak into the United States!

In regards to tonight's concert, it's difficult to find some of your thirteen singles collection in America. Will you play some of them tonight for us? And will Una-King be there?

S@TT-ON: Yes, some of them.

ANGEL-TAKA: Una-King will be there. We did capture him so we'll have to put him to use!

MASATO: We just decided that right this second.

What American musical artists do you like?


S@TT-ON: Bon Jovi. Daniel Powter

MASATO: Simple Plan. Green Day.

TAKEswiy: Metallica.

MASATO: There's a lot.... it'll never end.

(at this point, KYO gets up briefly to get something to eat)

Are you sure you're not leaving for karaoke?

KYO: I promise to be back after one song! (exits)

What type of girls do you like?

NOIZ: (they all look very thoughtful) Hmmm!

ANGEL-TAKA: What type of GIRLS do we like or what type of WOMEN do we like? We have a wide range!

S@TT-ON: I like girls with beautiful eyes and nice hands.

This is a little bit personal, but what kind or color of underwear do you wear?

ANGEL-TAKA: (in English) No pants! (in Japanese) Underwear lines would show with my costumes so I can't wear any.

(KYO returns at this point and ANGEL-TAKA asks what color KYO's are)

KYO: (in English) Grey. (he demonstrates)

What is your biggest challenge in gaining more American fans?

ANGEL-TAKA: We don't feel that it's a big obstacle but when it comes down to it, probably the language barrier. But we're not really worried about it. We can communicate with our hearts and not words. We use music to carry our message.

When composing your music, how difficult is it for you to pull in all of the different elements that you use to make it a NOIZ song?

MASATO: It's the other way around. It's not that we use these different styles to make a song. When we play it, we make it ours.

Is there a DEVIL-TAKA?

ANGEL-TAKA: Yes. When someone presses or touches my left nipple, I become DEVIL-TAKA! It's my weakness.

Now that you've captured Una-King, what's next?

ANGEL-TAKA: We want to rid people's hearts of evil and continue on. There's still a lot to do!


Special thanks to the PMX staff, Uchusentai NOIZ, their translator, and their fans!


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