
Hagakure & ∀NTI FEMINISM in Belgium

20/02/2007 2007-02-20 12:00:00 JaME Author: Asagi & Kay Translator: Melony & Kay

Hagakure & ∀NTI FEMINISM in Belgium

After the second concert of their European tour, we had an interview with the leaders of the two bands: Kaya and Kenzi.

© JaME
The second concert of ∀NTI FEMINISM & Hagakure's Europe coupling tour took place in Brussels, Belgium.

Hagakure were the first band to perform and clad in traditional Japanese kimonos, began their set of upbeat, cheerful sounding songs.

The group's vocalist, Kaya, seemed in good spirits, reaching out to the audience throughout the entirety of their set. Keeping up the trend with engaging the audience, Kaya and Leona (the bassist) embarked on an interesting skit involving small swords. Coupled with this miniature interlude, guitarist Koro danced elegantly onstage with a member of the audience to a traditional Japanese song. While several members of the band seemed content to interact with the audience, drummer, Gajiro preferred to remain at the back of the stage. Despite remaining partially hidden from the audience's view, the vibrant smile on his face proved that he was also enjoying the concert.

Following the conclusion of Hagakure's set, ∀NTI FEMINISM made their way onto the stage. Their performance was energetic and wild, with the members, all clad in red, playing together with a fantastic energy. The leader and vocalist of the band, Kenzi, renowned for his outrageous stunts, held nothing back for this show. Engaging the crowd with his antics, he proceeded to set his hand alight and bashed himself several times with fluorescent lights before they shattered in an explosion of tiny shards.

The band members appeared to interact with each other perfectly, creating a raw and hard sound. Tomozo (Sulfuric Acid) played guitar with befitting elegance whilst Kyoichi (ex. Candy) remained at the back of the stage. Nachi (√eight) with his spiky, vibrant orange hair, graced the audience with a multitude of comical expressions. However, it was Katsura (ex. Baiser, Vinett, Cannival Method), with his bright smile who appeared to be one of the most popular amongst the Belgian fans as they cheered loudly for him.

Following the band's performances, both groups held an autograph session for their fans and once the hall was mostly vacated, we sat down for an interview with the two band leaders: Kaya and Kenzi.

Kaya and Kenzi, good evening and thank you very much for granting us this interview.

Kaya & Kenzi: Thank you.

Did you have a good trip from Japan?

Kenzi: I am very happy to have come to Europe and the audience is there for both the bands. It is really great and it fills Kaya and I with joy. Thank you!

Is it the first time you went to Europe?

Kenzi: Yes, it's the first time for me.
Kaya: For me it's the second time.

What has already made an impression on you since you've been here?

Kenzi: Well, when we left, we exceeded the baggage limit, so we had to pay for the extra. I had my creams and different liquids with me, but since September 11, transporting liquids in planes was banned, so they confiscated everything. While we were on the plane, there was a lot of turbulence because of all the violent winds in Europe these past days. I was very uneasy. (Editor's note: Kenzi says all of this with an air of perfect detachment)
Kaya: For me it's the people in Europe. In Japan, when you ask for directions, people aren't really helpful. In Europe, everyone responds politely and with a smile, it's wonderful.

You've already performed in France, and tonight you have performed in Belgium. What do you think of the audience? Is there a difference between the French/Belgian and the Japanese audience?

Kenzi: In Japan, people only pay attention to their favourite band, they don't try to listen to the other ones. Here, the people are interested in both bands.
Kaya: If one would organize such a coupling tour in Japan, you will see half of the audience leaving the hall during Hagakure and the other half leaving during ∀NTI FEMINISM because of the big musical difference. In Europe, during the two concerts we did so far, the audience stays for the two bands and we hope this will continue! (laughs)

Kaya and Kenzi, as you've said, your two groups are complete opposites. Can you tell us where did you come up with the idea to do a tour together?

Kenzi: We've actually been friends for a long time, and we think that despite the differences between our two bands, we can still play together. So, one day, we were talking and we imagined that we could play together. Now that that moment has come, it has made us really happy.

Kenzi, What does ∀NTI FEMINISM mean to you?

Kenzi: Our concept is the "Conscience of Danger". I do not have any thing against women. It has no relation with the name of my band, it's just something crazy.

Kaya, What does Hagakure mean to you?

Kaya: We reflect the spirit of the samurai, it's a case of self-confidence; that's our concept.

A last word for your fans?

Kenzi: I am very happy with tonight's concert. I want to return soon and I hope that people will come to see us.
Kaya: I adore the cities we went to and I was very touched by the way the audience welcomed us. I want to return this year! Tomorrow, or even do a concert again right now! (Editor's note: It's 2 o'clock in the morning)!

Thank you very much for the interview.

Kaya & Kenzi: Thank you very much!

Thanks to Kaya, Kenzi and their bands, Akma Music and JRock NL.
Photos by Yuko.


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