
nobodyknows+ - 5MC & 1DJ

10/04/2007 2007-04-10 12:00:00 JaME Author: Sarah

nobodyknows+ - 5MC & 1DJ

nobodyknows+'s first major album.

5MC & 1DJ is the debut major album from Nagoya-based hip-hop group nobodyknows+. With each track written and produced by DJ MITSU, the vocal work and lyric-writing is split between the five MCs; NORI DA FUNKY SIBIRESATH, HIDDEN FISH, CRYSTAL BOY, YAS the NUMBER ONE?, and g-ton. Released at the tail end of 2005, this twelve track album is still worth a listen especially as nobodyknows+ gets ready to release their new single at the end of the month.

Intro 5MC & 1DJ (Theme from nobodyknows+ pt.13) is the first track and immediately gives the new listener an idea of what to expect from this group. Announcing themselves in a chorus of "5MC and 1DJ", the background music is simple but catchy with a slightly party-like atmosphere, which leads perfectly into the second track. Douyo has an almost Latin feel thanks to the acoustic guitar and beat beneath the layered vocal work provided by the members, led by YAS the NUMBER ONE? in this particular track. The English part in the chorus, "Why can't we be friends?", is well-pronounced and Western listeners may soon find themselves singing along.

The tracks that follow keep up the fun, party mood, although Yado Nashi is a bit slower than those previous songs. A far cry from a ballad, the beat and guitar make one want to simply groove. If Yado Nashi coaxed the listener up to their feet, then the previously released Shiawasenara Te wo Tatakou will keep them there. Accented with horns over a catchy beat, the vocals of nobodyknows+ work together perfectly, jumping from member to member before connecting in the chorus. Sprinkled with bits of English, the verses threaten to get stuck in the listener's head long after the track is done. The sixth track marks the first real change in mood, slowing things down after the party that was Shiawasenara Te wo Tatakou. This track is a bit unusual in that while all of the MCs lend their voices to it, there is no moment in which they all come together and harmonize, as is the trend in slower tracks of this sort. This slight twist helps the song stand out from the usual fare offered by multivocal groups.

The seventh track, Kiseki ni Kanpai, picks things back up slightly with a fun piano line and an urban feel before it's followed by Hello! (Theme from nobodyknows+ pt.14). This leads into another slower and rather pretty track, Mebae. At just a little over five and a half minutes, it threatens to drag as it nears its end but this is easily forgiven, especially as the following track, Eru Miradooru Tenbou dai no uta, begins. Opening with a bit of piano, it then brings the listener back into the mood set by the first part of the album. The vocal work hops from each distinct member to the other before they come together in the sing-along chorus, prompting the listener to get back up on their feet.

Another short 'theme' follows before the last track of the album, Sweet Soul Music, begins. A touch more mellow than the energy shown at the album's opening, it's never less the sort of tune you'd expect to hear being played over the speakers of a party. The beat gives it again a slightly Latin twist, a theme running throughout the album, and the vocals are well-done. Sweet Soul Music's only minor flaw is the fact that it ends rather abruptly, which would put a damper on its effectiveness as a party tune as the guests wonder what happened to the music before demanding that the host hit 'repeat' on the entire album once more.

For those looking to be introduced to the Japanese hip-hop scene, or those tired of the dark themes running through the scene in America, this group and album is definitely worth a listen. Each MC brings a different and unique touch to the DJ MITSU's music (one would be hard pressed to find another voice like NORI DA FUNKY SIBIRESATH's in the popular music scene), creating something fresh and new.

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