
NACK 5 Contest Results

22/04/2007 2007-04-22 12:00:00 JaME Author: Tessa

NACK 5 Contest Results

JaME had the opportunity to give away ten bags of the NACK 5 Beat Shuffle Live Side event.

© JaME
NACK 5 gave JaME ten bags of the NACK 5 Beat Shuffle Live Side event, on which Nightmare, An Cafe, alice nine, and MUCC performed, to give away to our visitors! By submitting a banner for JaME the visitors had the chance to win one of the bags. Finally we picked the ten winners! We received various banners with different themes, here are the ten winning banners:

Sophie - Belgium
Vash Okashi - Spain
Taru - Finland
Marie Jose - Chile
Aurore - France
Altti - Finland
Rina - France
Michal - Poland
Yumeko - Michigan, USA
Ly Jeanne - France

Congratulations! You will receive your bag soon! JaME would like to thank everyone who participated in the contest and NACK 5 for making this contest possible.