
the studs - studs

25/06/2007 2007-06-25 12:00:00 JaME Author: Lacy

the studs - studs

The debut release from the studs!

Mini-Album CD

studs (TYPE B)

the studs

From heavy and harsh to soft and sweet, the rhythms and melodies represented in the studs' first release are sure to please. With proficient guitar work, multifaceted vocals, powerful drumming, and brilliant bass lines, this self-titled release is a veritable feast for the ears.

false the skin starts off with chanted backing vocals and heavy drumbeats. Yukino's bass line throbs along with aie's signature guitar riffs. Daisuke's voice goes from gruff to gentle and back again as the song progresses. The chorus gives the song a slightly optimistic sound and those chanted backing vocals return before the track ends with a short, but dramatic, instrumental piece. Next up is disclosure, a quick paced tune that features growled vocals and catchy guitar work. An instrumental break about mid-way showcases each member's individual skills along with Daisuke's versatile singing styles.

Starting with low guitar strumming, rain drop has Daisuke showing off the softer side of his voice. Mellow, even melancholy, aie's guitar playing is especially reminiscent of his work with deadman. Yukino's bass line and Hibiki's drumming are perfection. With such beautiful melodies, this track is sure to be a favorite on the release.

Spread from sister's growling guitar riffs and deep, pulsing bass line give off a dangerous vibe. Daisuke's low, whispered vocals add to this feeling before swelling up with emotion and soaring out through the song. Hibiki's drumming takes on a secondary role in comparison to the other elements of the number, effective, but not particularly impressive. The opening to thursday should be enough to get the listener going. Featuring catchy guitar riffs, tapping drum work, and a lively bass line, this song is a definite stand out. The way Daisuke screams out his lyrics might be an acquired taste for some but, for long-time fans of Kagerou or this style of vocals in general, it should be right up their alley.

Tonight is the night is a sublime way to end this release. Daisuke's voice is divine in all aspects, simply dreamy. The fantastic combination of pounding drumbeats and pulsing bass plucks set the stage for aie's outstanding guitar solo, cloaked in gently sung lyrics. This song is nothing short of satisfying.

The debut release from the studs features masterful work from four artists who, having been in the scene for many years, are set to push themselves to the forefront once again. The skillful blending of expertly played instruments and bold vocals make for an absolutely stellar release that is sure to propel the band forward.

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Interview with the studs

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Live Report

the studs, live in Paris

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the studs - studs © JaME


the studs - studs

The debut release from the studs!