Live Report

Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra in London

13/09/2007 2007-09-13 12:00:00 JaME Author: Kiri

Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra in London

Live report of the Thursday 18 July concert at the Mean Fiddler.

It's often nice to attend concerts blind, without preconceptions or prejudice; the opinion formed is often more balanced, and certainly without the rose tinted view that manifests itself because a listener thinks the vocalist is 'cute'.

Any fears or concerns about attending this particular gig fled upon entering the venue. The claustrophobic Mean Fiddler heaved with people, people who would soon become very sweaty indeed. As Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra or SkaPara to their fans, arrived on stage looking rather dapper in variety of white suits, it was clear to see the established support they already enjoyed in London. The audience, who were a decidedly mixed bunch of Japanese, skaters and businessmen, responded energetically as SkaPara threw themselves into their first song, Taiyo ni Onegai.

What would follow for the next hour and a half was one of the most fun and interesting bands London has seen in a while. The band did an excellent job of blending a mix of musical styles into a more generalised 'ska' sound. It's not often one sees an audience respond quite so well to a band's music, and this includes rabid fangirls at a European visual gig!

The band's music felt at times like Reel Big Fish, and at times like a smooth latin jazz outfit. The lack of vocals or indeed a prominent leader might in many cases cause a group to lose direction, but in Tokyo SkaPara the whole band is given a chance to shine.

After the first three songs, closing rather aptly with A Quick Drunkard (considering various members of the audience hurriedly downed drinks to join in the mosh pit fun), one of the saxophonists came forward for a short MC. Exuding cool and never removing his sunglasses, he managed to generate even more excitement from the sweaty crowd. While short and succinct, there was a real feeling of socialising between band and audience.

The highlight of the concert came near the middle, before the famous Lupin was played. Concentrating on a beautiful solo from the bizarre trumpet-piano hybrid, the melodica wind piano, Skarude Dub brought both a welcome calm and a touch of beauty to the evening with a gentle melancholic sound. This was followed by a short solo from the MC-saxophonist in a portion entitled imaginatively, Latin Bit. Together the performances were truly captivating and made the audience all the more ready for when the first strains of Lupin were played.

After Lupin, the pace never let up, with more of their addictive jazz-samba ska. Due to the rowdy mosh-pit, many groups of friends were separated, but no one seemed to mind dancing next to a stranger, rather than with their friends. The calls of 'thank you' at the end brought thunderous applause and swift calls for an encore that were responded to almost immediately. It would be fair to say that Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra did something special at the Mean Fiddler, lighting up the dingy venue and a dank London night with an exotic blend of ska.

Set List:

Taiyo ni Onegai
A Quick Drunkard
Call from Rio
Skull Collector
Walk between the Rainbows
Natty Parade
Ska Me Crazy
Skarude Dub
Latin Bit
Anya kouro
White Light
Tongues of Fire


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Date Event Location
ASTORIA 2 (Mean Fiddler)
United Kingdom