
Interview of Kitade Nana at Japan Expo

24/08/2007 2007-08-24 12:00:00 JaME Author: Ayou Translator: ~Pink Spider~

Interview of Kitade Nana at Japan Expo

Before her showcase and fashion show at Japan Expo 2007, Kitade Nana answered a few questions.

© JaME
Before her showcase and fashion show at Japan Expo 2007 in France, Kitade Nana was able to answer a few of JaME's questions. The interview began with a brief introduction with the solo artist who was holding a plushie against her.


During our last interview with you last summer, you announced that you wanted to come to Europe. Now that it has happened, what would you like to do?
Kitade Nana: I would like to play a show in an opera house (laughs).

Why did you choose to make music instead of another profession?
Kitade Nana: With music it is the easiest way for me to express my feelings. Really, it can only be done through music.

Who's your favourite artist?
Kitade Nana: Queen Adreena (laughs)

You worked on various anime projects such as "Full Metal Alchemist", with the song kesenai tsumi, and "D.Gray-Man". How do you choose which to work with?
Kitade Nana: It's not my choice, the producers choose me.
How do you create the theme to match the anime?
Kitade Nana: Well, when I have to write the music or the lyrics, I -of course- try to watch the anime first, but when there is just the concept and nothing else, I do it without the anime. It's not a problem.

During Otakon in the USA last year, there were other artists such as YOSHIKI and MUCC. In our last interview, you told us that you didn't know the others artists. This time, do you know GARI, Ichirou Mizuki, HALCALI, or anyone else?
Kitade Nana: Actually, I don't know them that much except for HAKUEI who will also be a model for Laforet Harajuku tomorrow.
How do you feel to be on the same fashion show as HAKUEI?
Kitade Nana: I am very happy, even if I don't know HAKUEI personally. I hope everything goes okay.

What description fits your music best?
Kitade Nana: When I don't have to think about it with my head, it comes immediately from my heart. For me this is essential to create the best of all music. I can't imagine doing it another way, it comes inevitably from my heart.
So you don't apply any methods or some base from music theory, everything comes from your heart?
Kitade Nana: Yes, exactly.

Nowadays, we can notice a change in your appearance and music. What made you change that way?
Kitade Nana: When did you notice? (laughs)
By taking a look at your debut, it's more rock such as your pureness release. This evolution seems to be rather recent for you, right?
Kitade Nana: Well I don't think that people who sing rock have to wear a rock style too, though I like what those singers wear. My music comes from my soul first, so I sing rock but I wear what I want, which may be different from others.

Could you tell us something about the song M'aider from the album I Scream, in particular why you chose to use French for the title?
Kitade Nana: I was searching for a word in a foreign language that meant 'help'. And this French word seemed perfect for the title of this song because I wanted to explain the idea of needing help, but not in Japanese. By using French, which is not a language that I normally use, it comes more from my heart.
Why not any other language?
Kitade Nana: I already knew the sense of "m'aider" and if a word isn't Japanese or English, it has to be French. I feel close to France and I love the sonority of the language.

What made you decide to make a cover and make a new version of the song Basket Case by Green Day?
Kitade Nana: When I was in the USA, I often listened to Green day and I repeatedly told others that I loved them very much. At some point, I was listening to their recent songs more than their older ones, so I was thinking "Why don't I do a cover of an old song in my way and make it 'cooler'. I liked Basket Case best, so that decision was easily made.

Your next single is named Antoinette Blue, do you reference to Marie-Antoinette the old French queen with this?
Kitade Nana: Yes I do! (laughs) I like Marie-Antoinette very much, the way she was dressed, the image she portrayed, and so on. She's a very famous queen. She makes me happy because even if she was alone, she had something. This is what I wanted to express in my new single and that's why I chose that title.
You probably also watched Sofia Coppola's movie "Marie-Antoinette"?
Kitade Nana: Oh yeah of course! (laughs).

When are you planning to release a new album?
Kitade Nana: (she consults her manager and then answers) I hope to make a new one very soon (laughs).

Do you have any plans for a solo tour in Europe or America? Or do you prefer to perform at other conventions?
Kitade Nana: Seeing as this is a convention, my band couldn't come. So I want to come back with my band to show my real music to everyone.

Do you have a final message
Kitade Nana: (in French) A castle please! (laughs)


Many thanks to Kitade Nana for taking time to answer our questions. JaMe would also like to thank her staff, Dybex, and especially Jessica.


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