
YUI - My Generation/Understand

22/08/2007 2007-08-22 12:00:00 JaME Author: Kiri

YUI - My Generation/Understand

A youthful, spirited single from YUI.

There are only a few different styles in female Jpop and the average singer can usually be easily categorised with their style immediately predicted as a result. Koda Kumi and Hamasaki Ayumi obviously fall into the 'diva' category; Yuna Ito, Shimatani Hitomi and their contemporaries are the occasional R&B ballad-songstresses; and then there are rogue elements like Tsuchiya Anna and Shiina Ringo. Singer/songwriter YUI is of the breezy indie girl camp. Her music is reminiscent of the other kooky women in Jpop with gently strummed accoustic guitars and slightly hoarse vocals. YUI is not dull though, she might be easily categorised but the music she makes is addictively fun.

My Generation, while no match for her CHE.R.R.Y single from earlier this year is still a fantastic YUI release. It is a perky, light rock song with a positive feeling and while it is fairly typical of its genre, YUI's energy ensures that My Generation is an interesting and fun track. The introduction teams electric and accoustic guitars with a fast paced drumbeat. YUI's vocals have that Ikimonogakari sounding roughness that is lovely and laid back on female singers and while she's singing, the instruments definitely take a back seat. The pairing of the guitars in particular work really well, creating just the right blend of indies acoustic folk music with bona fide rock. My Generation is a song full of spirit and perfect to liven up grey mornings.

Understand, as the title may suggest, is a slow and melancholic ballad. Initially it sounds eerily similar to Kiyokiba Shunsuke's Ningen Jarouga until YUI's soft and tender voice breathes over the lone accoustic guitar accompaniment. Unfortunately, the song then follows a rather typical pattern: as the verse draws to a close the strings kick in. The emotion in YUI's voice prevents this song from becoming too generic but the structure of the melody is so formulaic the song still comes off a bit bland. YUI recaptures some originality in the bridge near the end, coupling a driving crescendo with the sudden change to a more country sound. The song would have been much better if this were the style throughout, but as it is YUI's tender ballad suffers from her relying on a tired formula.

The My Generation single comes with mixed reviews. The title track is good but the problems with the b-side track marks a rare drop in form from YUI.

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