
Interview with RENTRER EN SOI in France

24/09/2007 2007-09-24 12:00:00 JaME Author: Ayou Translator: Brenni, Cynthia

Interview with RENTRER EN SOI in France

Just before their first concert in Europe, RENTRER EN SOI answers JaME's questions.

© RENTRER EN SOI - JaME - Philippe Hayot
It's in the beginning of the afternoon when JaME met with RENTRER EN SOI on the day of the concert. They seem relaxed but a bit tired; we are the last to interview them before they leave to eat and have sound checks.

Hello to everyone, could you tell us about the beginnings of the band?
(everyone laughs) John, the translator explains that since this morning they have responded to this question and then introduces the band.

John: As a basis for the band, Takumi and Satsuki knew each other and were friends. They definitely wanted to make music, thus they said that they were going to create a band, but at the time they didn't have other musicians. They then recruited Ryo but then were only three people. Of course they had a guitarist and a session drummer but they needed permanent members. Shortly thereafter, they discovered Mika who was in a band that they liked a lot. They found that his drum playing was very good, but considering he was already in a band he couldn't join them. Luckily for this new band, Mika's band ceased activities. They then asked him to join, but Mika said 'If I join, Shun will also join! He's a great guitarist so you should have him join the band with me.' That is how the adventure of RENTRER EN SOI was born. (again, everyone laughs)

What are some bands, Japanese or not, that you appreciate?
Takumi: I like old heavy metal bands a lot.
Shun: SUM 41.
Mika: Dream Theater and Björk.
Ryo: I listen to all types, but in foreign music, I particularly appreciate System of a Down.
Satsuki: Nirvana, Linkin Park, Dir en grey. (everyone laughs)
Takumi: Ozzy Osbourne.
Satsuki: Avril Lavigne. (laughs again)

How did you get into music?
Takumi: I wanted to do drumming because of the bands that I liked a lot, but I didn't have space where I lived to play so I got into guitar out of spite! (laughs)
Shun: I was also influenced by the bands that I liked therefore I didn't think of doing anything else other than guitar.
Mika: When I formed a band with my friends, there remained only one spot for a drummer. I took the position myself by default then I started to feel something, that it felt right to me. I then got a drum set for my place! (laughs)
Ryo: I liked Visual Kei a lot when I was in school so I wanted to do the same thing.
Satsuki: I sing because I have messages I want to spread. I tried to practice an instrument, but each time that I played, I told myself that what I wanted to spread could only be done vocally.

What is the main theme of your songs?
Satsuki: Like the name of our band indicates, RENTRER EN SOI represents introspection, the act of searching for oneself in order to learn what one is truly.
Why did you choose a band name in French?
Satsuki: Basically, I am a fan of Europe and France in particular. I have a lot of admiration for its people. One is able to see it in the look and make-up that I had from that period. It is especially with my influence that we chose the French language for the name of the band.

This isn't the first time that you came to France because you came here in 2004 to direct some music videos. Could you tell us how it went?
Satsuki: We wanted to do that in a country for which we already had a lot of feeling, as demonstrated in our name. We wanted to have this environment so particular of old French buildings. When we arrived here, we noticed that what could be a few meters in Japan actually expanded for kilometers here. It's the real France that we waited for with its distinct architecture. Basically, it's something we don't have in Japan.
Mika: We were touched by the countryside, especially its simplicity. What's more are the girls were pretty! We wanted to make these videos in scenery that is similar to perfection.
It's something that returned to your visual style of the period?
Satsuki: Yes, of course! Of the period, it's what corresponded to us the most.

Why didn't you profit from this opportunity and have a concert in France?
Satsuki: We didn't have any contact or networking established yet! (everyone laughs)

Around 2005-2006, you ended your visual image. We know that this has been asked to you numerous times, but we would like to know what made you change this part and what else changed apart from the look?
Satsuki: What changed the most with our look is our awareness and our will. We became stronger. This introspection that we had with RENTRER EN SOI permitted us see deep down in ourselves that we didn't have to be so impacted by the visuals.
Takumi: When people change their look, they also change their behavior, but it especially came with the times. This did not prevent us on the other hand to keep the same themes.
What was the reaction of your fans in Japan?
Satsuki: There were a lot of people who like our old look, but with the new songs and the new look, there are other people who started to listen and we received good feedback. We are very happy.

Is the song I hate myself and I want to... a homage to the song by Nirvana?
Satsuki: Yes, yes that was already asked! (everyone laughs) It was only after the song had been finished that we noticed that this could be taken as a homage to Nirvana. It isn't really the case though, and we chose to put this song on the last track of the album THE BOTTOM OF CHAOS because for us it's a pretty strong song. I speak of the fact that I don't like myself, or rather that I didn't like myself, explaining this introspection. Before succeeding to overtake certain barriers, I realized that being negative wasn't a good solution. Even though I didn't like myself, I most importantly had to live. At this time, I even wanted to die if one follows well the title I hate myself and I want to DIE! Since then I have gotten through this. We want people to realize that despite all the negatives sentiments that they can have towards themselves, it's necessary to move beyond it. It's necessary to reflect a lot and not give into despair. There is a rather positive message.

Satsuki and Takumi, could you tell us about your tattoos? (They raise both arms with many tattoos visible on their hands and arms)
Satsuki: They are all on the same places as Kyo (of Dir en grey). He's a friend of ours and we are often with him. We found his tattoos rather cool and therefore we wanted to have the same on us.
That was more or less at the same time that you changed your look?
Takumi: We didn't do that deliberately because we changed our look, that was done rather simply and naturally.
Satsuki: We even thought that we would have to have done that before, because that fits well. We didn't do it for the band but more immediately for a combination of circumstances.

Daisuke (ex-kagerou, currently the studs) and Kyo (Dir en grey) are credited on your albums like Vocal Therapist and Agitator. Could you explain in more detail how they helped? Did they also participate on THE BOTTOM OF CHAOS?
Satsuki: It isn't Kyo but rather Daisuke. And it's me that he helps the most in making me drink a lot. Before I didn't drink at all but that changed thanks to Daisuke, I hold my alcohol well now. Daisuke threw me challenges often like 'Hold on, drink this glass or that one' and at the same time, he told me that a singer must be like this or like that. He is rather an influence than a solid help in our work.
But did Kyo and Daisuke participate on your last album?
Satsuki: It's a secret! But maybe if the ear is strained then one can sometimes hear something.
Hmm... You speak well of certain voices in support and some growls in your songs?
Satsuki: Secret! (embarrassed laugh) Maybe... Maybe not...

Could you describe THE BOTTOM OF CHAOS a bit more to us? When we listen to it, it seems that there is perhaps a story or a theme behind it.
Satsuki: It wasn't intentional to have a story on this album, but indeed, if we take for example the song Ushinawareta fuukei no yume where I tell of something that left its mark on me and made me angry, one can even say that I 'spit out my anger.' And well it's an episode of my life and there are twelve of them like that. It isn't deliberate at all, even if it could be taken like a movie. We all made parts of our feelings on each of these songs that, afterwards, gives this impression of scenes of life. The juggle between joy, sadness, anger, wishing to die and so on.
How does it make you feel knowing your albums are distributed in Europe?
Satsuki: We are very happy and feel honored!

What are your future projects? Do you wish to experiment with other musical styles?
Takumi: Three years ago, we would have never imagined to be like this today. We did not plan anything. We cannot say 'We are going to do this or that.' We live rather in the present. That will decide itself at the opportune moment, in a natural manner.

We just learned that you are going to perform at the convention, Oni-Con, in Houston in October. What effect does it have on you to go to the USA for the first time?
Satsuki: It is something that we have been wanting to do.
Do you see yourselves doing a tour there?
Satsuki: Yes, we would like to.

Why did you choose to make remixes of your songs?
Takumi: A remix allows something new to be transmitted. Even if we keep the vocal part, the lyrics are not going to change, but will be perceived differently according to the arrangement. It's also interesting to work like this because while we keep the vocals, we all meet again to re-make the song. What is most difficult is to not distort the sense of the lyrics any more, it's necessary to keep certain logic.

If you were not involved in music, what would you do today?
Takumi: I like to make things; this is why I make songs. If I was not involved with music, I would have made something. What? I don't know what I would make.
Shun: Stamper! (everyone laughs) I would have stamped some sheets.
Mika: If I wasn't a drummer, I would have become a sound engineer. At any rate, I would have been in music one way or another.
Ryo: Otaku? (everyone laughs)
John: That's not work! (everyone laughs)
Ryo: Then a weather reporter.
Satsuki: If I didn't make music, I would have liked to be a writer.
What would you like to write?
Satsuki: On THE BOTTOM OF CHAOS, one of my songs filled three pages in Word. By taking the keywords, I made a song. I have an aptitude for writing thus I could write in the same state of mind as the songs.

On your official blog we see you've often fallen asleep. (The band jokes and points at Ryo before the question is even finished). Showing Ryo sleeping most often and as little joke between you?
Satsuki: (everyone laughs) Already it's necessary to emphasize that it's only him that sleeps!
Ryo: Naturally, I fall asleep all the time. Then they take a photo! (laughs)
Satsuki: On the street when someone recognizes him, someone will say 'ah it's the guy that sleeps' Ryo! (laughs)

You just finished a long tour in Japan. Do you have a small story or particular memory from this?
Satsuki: We have a very good memory. It was a step more in our evolution, but now it's in the past. Now we're thinking about the concert in France.

Are nervous about the concert today? Do you have any habits before going on stage?
Satsuki: We are very happy to play this evening! Usually I drink honey before a concert but I don't have any here.
Shun: I do thumb exercises.
Mika: I mimic drum movements.
Ryo: I smoke and sleep. (everyone laughs)
Takumi: I don't give a damn, I compose even before going on stage. You have to warn me when it's going to start.

Do you have any last messages ?

Thanks to you all!
Rentrer en Soi: Thanks!

JaME wants to thank RENTRER EN SOI, their manager, Ganshin, and John for translating.

Photography by Ayou.


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Live Report

Live Report of RENTRER EN SOI in Paris

Going back to RENTRER EN SOI's first gig in Paris.

RENTRER EN SOI in the USA © Jhouserock Entertainment / FREE-WILL Co.,Ltd. Japan



During the weekend of their debut performance at Oni-con in Houston, Texas, JaME had the opportunity to have a one-on-one interview with RENTRER EN SOI.

Interview with RENTRER EN SOI in France © RENTRER EN SOI - JaME - Philippe Hayot


Interview with RENTRER EN SOI in France

Just before their first concert in Europe, RENTRER EN SOI answers JaME's questions.