
Kiyoharu - TATTOO

19/09/2007 2007-09-19 12:00:00 JaME Author: Chantel

Kiyoharu - TATTOO

Kiyoharu's TATTOO gives new life to the 1988 hit!

Single CD + DVD



Kiyoharu’s new single, TATTOO, is an ultra-jazzy, rock n’ roll infused take on Akina Nakamori’s 1988 hit of the same name.

Kicking off with an instrumental comprised of a jazzy bass line and drums, TATTOO will grab the listener before Kiyoharu’s unique voice even enters. His well recognized vocal style adds an edgy element to this almost twenty year old song, and never fails to impress. Smooth, almost whispered words and clearly sung choruses are punctuated by growling moans, which are tucked into just the right places. Instrumentally dominating this song is the bass. A strong backing for Kiyoharu’s voice, the steady, rich rhythms are almost luxurious in sound, adding another dimension to the music.

This single comes with the sizzling PV for TATTOO, which contains eye candy for all kinds of viewers. With endless light effects, colors, and visuals, this is a perfect video compliment for the single.

TATTOO is a solid single. Even for one with only one track, that one song provides ample listening pleasures and plenty of danceable rhythms. Kiyoharu’s flashy side certainly shines on this single, giving listeners plenty of reason to come back for more.

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