
D - Schwarzschild

08/10/2007 2007-10-08 12:00:00 JaME Author: Lacy

D - Schwarzschild

A darkly symphonic release.

D's latest single is another release that perfectly demonstrates the band's heavy gothic sound. Even the names of the songs, both titled in German, portray darkness prior to even sampling them. Riddled with their customary mix of hard instrumentals and symphonic artistry, the single is a welcome addition to the band's repertoire.

Die letzte nacht starts with a dramatically operatic vocal intro that thrusts the listener into some heavy guitar riffs and background chanting. Asagi's vocals, along with Hide-zou's and Ruiza's guitar work, take center stage in this deliciously dark track. Hiroki's drumming and Tsunehito's bass keep up the rhythm throughout, but are not quite as prominently displayed as the other elements. Though not the title track of the single, it serves as the perfect first song, setting the stage for Schwarzschild.

Synthesized Baroque-style harpsichord, along with forceful guitar work and pounding drum beats, introduce the listener to Schwarzschild. The opening vocals, shared between Asagi and the other members of the band, provide a sepulchral quality to the track. Asagi's voice goes from mournful to soaring to gently whispered, rich in every note put forth. An instrumental break showcases the expertise with which Hide-zou and Ruiza play, Tsunehito's bass line acting as the perfect backdrop and keeping with the rather gothic atmosphere of the song. Slowing down at the end, Asagi's vocals become softer, a wanting tone echoed in his words as they fade out to mere whispers.

This version of the single also includes a DVD with the PV for Schwarzschild.

With vocals as stunning as ever and equally expert instrumental work, Schwarzschild is just what D is all about. The synthesis of operatic drama and gothic rock is something the band is known for and has mastered nicely. A single that can be appreciated by die-hard fans of the band or just fans with similar musical sensibilities, it is likely to appeal to a fairly broad audience.

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