Live Report


13/11/2007 2007-11-13 12:00:00 JaME Author: Jess


A live report of the TERIYAKI BOYZ performance on September 22, 2007 at the New York-Tokyo Music Festival 2007.

© JaME
The ground in Central Park was still wet from an early afternoon rain, but Rumsey Playfield was bustling with people taking in a mix of the two cities' cultures. It was still daylight out as they hung the Teriyaki Boyz banner from the DJ table. With a brief introduction by the master of ceremonies, the four members and DJ emerged from the back corner of the stage in a set of matching hoodies, each sporting their own color. The all had their hoods up, completely zipped over their faces, as they went straight into their first song, The Takeover. The group paced back and forth on the stage, throwing their hands into the air to the beat with the crowd following their example. After the song was over, the hoodies were un-zipped, displaying a matching set of T-shirts with the same print on them as the hoodies.

During the first MC, WISE took the time to introduce all the members of Teriyaki Boyz, introducing VERBAL (m-flo), ILMARI (Rip Slyme) and RYO-Z (Rip Slyme). VERBAL took the mic from him before he could introduce himself and said "We got my man WISE in the house! The ladies love him, that’s for sure!" The crowd cheered as WISE looked down at the ground and shook his head. WISE took to the mic again, "We got the one and only DJ NIGO!" After introductions were done, VERBAL asked "What’s up, New York City! You ready to get down with the Teriyaki Boyz?" and they went into playing School of Rock.

Behind the group on the sides of the stage were two large four-screened TV units set up by SHARP, who sponsored the event. Throughout each song, video feeds ran on the screens matching each song. During School of Rock text books and globes and other school supplies were displayed on the screens; during BEEF or CHICKEN, cows and chickens danced back and forth.

The crowd enthusiastically sang along, swaying back and forth on their feet to the music. On occasion, the members matched their moves on stage and moved as one unit. During Tokyo Drift, the crowd imitated the group as they raised their hands above their head in an ark and swayed them side to side with the chorus.

Later in their set, the crowd began cheering for a free-style. As the night sky began to set in, ILMARI rose to the challenge and gave a taste of a unique on-the-spot free-style, fueled by delighted cries from the crowd.

Keeping up an energetic pace, they would occasionally break to talk to the crowd in impecable English about coming to New York, and how great they thought the festival that brought the two cultures together was. After KAMIKAZE 108, their performance was over, and after their goodbyes, they left the stage.

Set List
0. Intro
1. The Takeover
2. Heart Breaker
3. Celebrity Death Match
4. School of Rock
6. Tokyo Drift
7. You know What Time Is it ?
8. I still love H.E.R.

JaME would like to give thanks to the New York-Tokyo Music Festival and their staff.
