
Dir en grey - DOZING GREEN

11/11/2007 2007-11-11 12:00:00 JaME Author: Chantel

Dir en grey - DOZING GREEN

Dir en grey's latest single is a little taste of both old and new.

Single CD

DOZING GREEN (Regular Edition)


Dir en grey’s newest single DOZING GREEN provides a refreshing sound compared to the band’s releases from the past two years. With a smooth vocal performance and a softer melody, this release is sure to please.

The title track, DOZING GREEN, opens with a rousing drum beat, subtle guitar and bass backing it. Kyo’s voice enters quietly, almost matching the volume of the instruments as though the vocals are simply part of the music itself. Not only does his voice sound amazing, a startling sound for fans that have grown accustomed to rough growls and heavy screaming from their previous releases, but the music maintains a rock edge without overpowering the more mellow sound of the song. A particularly pleasant moment is the drawn out note that Kyo sings just before the halfway mark. Die and Kaoru provide some pleasant guitar work here, not terribly intricate, but well-suited to the track, and although there are a few of Kyo’s trademark screams tossed in at the end, this song is a reminder of what Dir en grey’s true strengths are.

HYDRA - 666- begins with a deep bass line before breaking into a faster tempo, Kyo’s screaming returning in this track. Despite this, there is a balance that works nicely for this song. The screams are broken by whispered lyrics and a softer drum sound, which displays Shinya’s ability to tone things down as well as really rock out. Paired with a finely played guitar melody, this is an interesting take on HYDRA. Compared with the original version, this one is a bit slower, an almost gritty, raw quality putting a different spin on the song. Additionally, HYDRA -666 is shorter, lacks the religious chant that the original employs as a break, and Kyo’s screams are less restrained than they were back then.

The final track on the single is a live recording of AGITATED SCREAMS OF MAGGOTS. A soft wailing sound opens, making way for the stellar guitar work that makes this song a great one. Toshiya’s bass provides a solid background for this track, and while many live recordings have a sort of washed out sound that make them difficult to enjoy, that’s the not case here. Kyo’s voice is strong, and he does amazing things with it, whether on stage or off, and the other members put their all into their performances, allowing their live recordings to sound very close to exactly like the studio versions.

Dir en grey’s style may not be consistent, but their sound is consistently good. Whether they’re banging out thrashing rock songs or slowing things down for one of their sorrowful ballads, their songs maintain the quality that they’ve always been known for. With music that never really fits in a single genre, all their fans can do is sit back and wait to see what the band will pull out next.

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