
SOUL'd OUT - Cozmic Travel

20/12/2007 2007-12-20 12:00:00 JaME Author: Kiri

SOUL'd OUT - Cozmic Travel

SOUL'd OUT explores like Christopher Columbus, taking on outer space in a spaceship.

Single CD



Cozmic Travel comes third in a quick succession of releases from this rap outfit and like the others is somewhat bizarre.

Cozmic Travel bursts into life with a sudden flare of brass instruments in short stabbing notes that are soon accompanied by occasional noises from Diggy Mo, setting up a frenetic melody. Diggy Mo's accomplished rapping is not overshadowed by the brass, and instead the two work together creating what would be an addictive SOUL'd OUT song. The song loses it entirely during the verses though. The complete drop in pace and the instruments combined with awkward wording create a disjointed experience. Bro. Hi is marginally better than Diggy Mo, although not by much. Luckily, the chorus picks it up again with its infectious pace and interesting combination of instruments continuing the brass theme, along with the addition of an electric keyboard; this chorus will stay in your head. Even if the chorus had not been so good, this song would come recommended: Diggy Mo has an unusual habit of yelling 'Christopher Columbus' randomly throughout the song. It makes no sense within the Japanese lyrics (it is even funnier in the PV), but it is a fantastically odd touch that transforms Cozmic Travel into a brilliant, if strange, experience.

SOUL'd OUT continues their randomness in Tank, during which rather disturbing short and sexual wails can be heard. In contrast to the blaring sounds of Cozmic Travel, Tank is rather spaced out, with a melody featuring a laid back lounge-style hip hop beat. It starts with muted percussion and rapped vocals echoing over the music. Tank occasionally leaps into life - the verses are quite aggressive and there is a sudden quickening of pace during a chorus. It works though, the change from fast to slow works nicely within the context of the song and such changes don't always work so well. The rapping during the verses is smoother than Cozmic Travel too, and more reminiscent of typical J-rapping; they sound comfortable rather than stilted. Tank functions decently enough as a b-side, although Diggy Mo's bizarre wailing might discourage you from playing it too loudly around others.

Remix Cozmic Travel with a techno beat and you get Psycho Travel - psycho in name and in nature. It throws the original awkward sound of the first verse into a whole new world of awkwardness, and the rapping sounds a little out of sync with the beat at parts. Bro. Hi's verse works well in the remix, but the endless repetition of "revolution" sounds like a record skipping, badly. Plus, the random shouts of "Christopher Columbus" are absent, making this track one to skip.

It is hard not to wonder what SOUL'd OUT was on when they wrote these songs, either that or they have a brilliant sense of tongue-in-cheek humor. However, if you like J-rap with a sense of surrealism, do check out this latest from SOUL'd OUT. It is also worth seeking out the PV - you will never look at good old Christopher Columbus in the same way again!

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