
Interview with GOTHIKA in Barcelona, Spain

28/01/2008 2008-01-28 12:00:00 JaME Author: Yumiko

Interview with GOTHIKA in Barcelona, Spain

During their winter European tour, GOTHIKA took time after their first show in Barcelona to answer some of JaME's questions.

© JaME
During their winter European tour, JaME was able to have an interview with GOTHIKA after their performance in Barcelona, Spain. The band previously known as Euthanasie is known for their 80s pop melodies and eclectic digital mixing.

First of all, thank you for taking time to do this interview!

GOTHIKA: Thank you.

This is your first time performing in Spain, how do you think today's concert went?

#449: The audience were really passionate! We were glad we could do the gig.

You've performed in Europe before, does this time feel different from your previous visits?

#449: Yes it does. This time we've changed our sound style and also a band member. We were able to have this tour with clear minds.

What do you enjoy most about touring Europe?

#449: There are many countries and each one has its own good points.

You're introducing your new album, 120 Days of Sodom, in this tour. How would you describe this album?

Andro: The album has an electronic sound and is a complete conceptual album. We've changed after one of our band members left. Maybe our future work will be easier for the audience.

Are there any songs that are special favourites on the new album?

Andro: Personally... (laughs) my favourite is... (thinks) Lage Kokeshi Doll.
#449: My favourite is fata morgana Android. It's a bit tough, yeah.

The title of the album comes from the Italian director's film, Pasolini. How has it influenced in the album?

Andro: Oh, I wanted to choose the title for the album from my favourite movies. It had to fit with the concept of the album.

How do you work when composing your songs?

#449: I first make a track and meet with Andro to talk about the style of the song. Then I arrange the song and Andro writes the lyrics.

How do you come up with the titles of your songs? Before or after writing the lyrics?

#449: After. Mostly after. (laughs)

Is there something you usually do before a show?

#449: Mmm I remember bad things!

Bad things?

#449: Yeah, bad things, so they will make me angry and aggressive. (laughs)

Do you have any projects in mind after this tour?

#449: Mmm after this tour...
Andro: Well, not so far. Maybe next year we'll come back.

How has GOTHIKA changed and evolved between now and when you started out?

#449: Everything has changed. (laughs) We started as an industrial and despair rock band. I hope we can change into a more European style. Ours is a very original style and we're naturally changing it. We start from Japanese traditional elements for our songs and style; it's an exciting sound. I want to connect European and Japanese styles and create a new one.

The band's formation has also changed, now you count on support members for your lives. Do you plan on getting a definite third member or are you going to stay like this?

Andro: Well, actually in Japan we play with four members: me, #449, Dee Lee, and a drummer. But we still don't know, possibly only two.

Any message for your fans?

#449: Our style's very new, not very popular but I hope we can touch our fans with our songs. So if you feel something, come to our gigs!

Thank you very much!


JaME would like to thank Arashi for helping as a translator and Jmusic Spain for making this interview possible, and of course GOTHIKA.

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