Live Report

Live Report of RENTRER EN SOI in Paris

05/02/2008 2008-02-05 12:00:00 JaME Author: Sxl Translator: FlikFlak

Live Report of RENTRER EN SOI in Paris

Going back to RENTRER EN SOI's first gig in Paris.

© RENTRER EN SOI - JaME - Philippe Hayot
Thursday, September 6th, 2007: it was the first concert in a foreign country for RENTRER EN SOI, and it was curious why the band had decided to perform on this particular day. Indeed, the band was not recording anymore, their last album was released not long ago and the promotional tour in Japan had finished, but in France the first day of school had started for many of their fans. However, many die hard fans came out to see the band and around 250 people came, not caring about the rain as they waited outside the venue.

A small amount of time was needed in order for everyone to go inside La Maroquinerie once the doors opened. In the back, the merchandise stand was found with posters, badges, t-shirts, the newly released album and their most recent two singles.


Before the band appeared, French fans met the Japanese fans. They were only three, but they caused a real ruckus by shouting Satsuki's name incessantly.

At 8:30pm, the members entered the stage in almost complete darkness. Lights went up and RENTRER EN SOI immediately began the set with Just mad pain, one of the hits from their last album. Satsuki, wearing his "leopard" clothes, warmed up the audience and less than a minute later, everyone was in the mood! Takumi and Shun, the guitarists, were doing the show their way; the first by asking those in the back to come closer, the latter by making us shout louder and louder. The Egyptian-looking Ryo, wearing black sunglasses, did not hesitate to come near the pit to play in front of everyone. Only Mika was a little bit more discreet behind his drums, but as he performed, one could feel the vibrations of his drums trembling through their body.

Then came Amongst foolish enemies and the other titles from their last album, such as I was damned and Thorny rain break, which were absolutely fabulous played live. For those who have seen the DVDs of their maxi singles, the show was as full of energy, but with a huge difference: Satsuki's voice! What a difference! He did pretty well, sounding much different than he does on CD, not being too violent and hitting the high-pitched notes. Even if it was not always the best, the quality was clearly improved! The proof came with Taiyo no Todokanai Basho, sung a capella to a silent crowd. Props should be given to the audience for preserving that moment until the end, it really was magical as Satsuki's voice rang throughout La Maroquinerie.

But - and there is always a but - with the good came the bad, as the band fell victim to wandering hands, to the point where Takumi fell over while trying to get back to his guitar, causing his cord to break! In the future, fans might want to keep their enthusiasm in check to prevent such a situation from happening again.

The show continued with some of their best hits: Bunretsu LE+DD Jinkaku, Re-birth, and I hate myself and I want to die, perfectly closing the set!

For the encore, they came back with the classic Shinwa, Bottom of chaos version. Then, for the second encore the band appeared wearing their tour shirts and played two of their older songs, Kuuhaku no Joukei and Sincerely, before finishing with Fuyu Tsuisou. The crowd went crazy and showed the band their appreciation with plenty of screaming.

The gig ended there, and after the traditional picks and sticks throwing, RENTRER EN SOI left the stage. It was really a good gig with a lot of surprises and nobody seemed disappointed. Sadly though, Protoplasm, Binetsuka and Wither were not played, but if the band holds another live - in a bigger live house and with more people - the audience there can hope those songs will be played, as they are truly enjoyable!


01. Just mad pain
02. Amongst foolish enemies
03. Misery loves poisonous blue
04. I was damned
05. Misshitsu to kodoku ni dokusareta yuutsu
06. Abyss of despair
07. Thorny rain break
08. Ushinawareta fuukei no yume
09. To infinity
10. Taiyo no todokanai basho
11. Usubeni iro
12. Bunretsu LE+DD Jinkaku
13. Re-birth
14. Seishinshi 13dome
15. Murder intent
16. Growl
17. I hate myself and I want to die

Encore 1
18. Shinwa

Encore 2
19. Kuuhaku no Joukei
20. Sincerely
21. Fuyuu Tsuisou

Pictures by Ayou.


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RENTRER EN SOI - Europe & USA 2007

Live Report of RENTRER EN SOI in Paris © RENTRER EN SOI - JaME - Philippe Hayot

Live Report

Live Report of RENTRER EN SOI in Paris

Going back to RENTRER EN SOI's first gig in Paris.

RENTRER EN SOI in the USA © Jhouserock Entertainment / FREE-WILL Co.,Ltd. Japan



During the weekend of their debut performance at Oni-con in Houston, Texas, JaME had the opportunity to have a one-on-one interview with RENTRER EN SOI.

Interview with RENTRER EN SOI in France © RENTRER EN SOI - JaME - Philippe Hayot


Interview with RENTRER EN SOI in France

Just before their first concert in Europe, RENTRER EN SOI answers JaME's questions.