
Billy Art Contest

29/02/2008 2008-02-29 12:00:00 JaME Author: JaME team

Billy Art Contest

JaME presents a chance to win Billy merchandise.

To celebrate a sold out concert in Japan, Billy is giving out small merchandise presents to their fans at Shibuya BOXX. The band also gave JaME with three of those special envelopes.

In order to participate in this contest, you have to create a piece of art with the theme "bouquet," the name of Billy's latest album. You can use any type of medium (camera, video, pen and paper, etc.).

The members of Billy will pick the three winners and each will receive a small pink towel in a special, autographed envelope and an autographed poster. The band has a rather good eye for art, as guitarist Mi-ne is a professional designer - he created Bobbin the Cat, the mascot on the envelope and Billy's website.


Entries that break any of the rules below will be excluded from the contest.

* You cannot use any photos, video material or other images of Billy or other artists.
* Copyrighted material is also not allowed.
* No overly abusive language is allowed.
* No sexually explicit content is allowed.
* If your submission contains text or speech, it should be in English. (Japanese is allowed if you provide the English translation.)
* Only one submission per person.
* Prizes cannot be exchanged for money or other items.

By submitting your entry, you give your irrevocable permission to JaME and its partners to use and publish your entry.

You can send in your submission until the 30th of March 2008. Soon after the closing date, the winners will be selected based on originality, creativity and overall look.

Send your submission to: - please don't send it as an attachment, but send us a link to where we can download it (for example or Write your email in English!
Questions can also be sent to

We would like to thank Billy and J-ROCK for making this contest possible.


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