
Fan Q&A Session with T.M.Revolution at New York Comic Con

13/06/2008 2008-06-13 12:00:00 JaME Author: Jess

Fan Q&A Session with T.M.Revolution at New York Comic Con

Comic Con attendees were given the chance to attend a Q&A panel with T.M.Revolution the morning of his first live performance in the US in four years.

© T.M. Revolution
Fans waited anxiously, filling the room where T.M.Revolution's Q&A session was to be held. Scheduled to last an hour, fans were shown various videos of the pop-rock icon throughout the panel. Looking slightly embarrassed at the videos of his work, the humble Takanori Nishikawa took time to answer some questions.

The panel started off with an exchange between T.M.Revolution and the host, Brian, to get things warmed up.

It's been four years since you last saw your US fans, what is your initial reaction? What do you make of all of this?

T.M.Revolution: (in English) I'm happy to be here!

You come to New York quite a lot, how many times have you come to New York before?

T.M.Revolution: (in English) I don't know, hmm...maybe ten?

What do you do when you come to New York? What do you like to do?

T.M.Revolution: Ah, I like to see a lot of musicals.

How did your involvement with Gundam SEED happen?

T.M.Revolution: The director of Gundam SEED was a huge fan of mine, and so he approached me. Because of that, there have been other opportunities to work with the American comic industry. It's one of the reasons why I'm here in New York, to make the most of those connections possible!

You played the voice of Heine Westenfluss, what is the connection in that name? Where does it come from? Is there any special meaning in that?

T.M.Revolution: My last name is Nishikawa, which literally means "west river," so translated in German it is "Westenfluss."

And the name Heine?

T.M.Revolution: Before T.M.Revolution, I was with another band and at that time it was my stage name.

After a brief interval of video footage, the panel moved onto questions from fans in the audience.

Which Gundam series do you like the most?

T.M.Revolution: Because of my involvement and collaboration, Gundam SEED is close to my heart.

Out of all the things you do, what's the most fun thing for you? What do you get the most enjoyment out of?

T.M.Revolution: Music is where I started, that's what I really enjoy doing. It's been four years since I came to the US. This time it's the live concert I've been really looking forward to and want to share.

Would you ever consider performing in Florida?

T.M.Revolution: Sure!

If you came down, I'd be happy to show you around!

T.M.Revolution: Great! Give me your phone number! (laughs)

You've done a lot of voice acting, what type of voices do you most like to do?

T.M.Revolution: I want to embody that character and I'm interested in people that I can approach with a character in mind and develop that character before hand. As long as I can remember, I wanted to do something in animation!

Have you been to England?

T.M.Revolution: Yes, London, I love it!

Where could you see yourself in ten years?

T.M.Revolution: Maybe I'll live in New York! (laughs)

When did you first realize you were this big star in Japan?

T.M.Revolution: I still don't feel that way at all!

You were in the musical The Little Shop Of Horrors, if you were to be in another musical, what would it be?

T.M.Revolution: I'm drawn to the music, so any production that has really great music. For example, Spring Awakening was something that I was interested in, but really, it's about the music.

Would you ever like to tour the US?

T.M.Revolution: I would love to have a US tour, wherever! I would love to do it right now, but it’s a matter of getting it together.

Are you involved with the Gundam SEED movie, and if so, how much?

T.M.Revolution: That's still in production, so things are still coming together, but I have been in contact and am talking with the director on what sort of opportunities lay ahead. Things are brewing, so all I can say is have patience! I'm going to go back to Japan and will say to the director: hey, look at all these American fans! They're all eager and waiting! (laughs)

The hour had passed by fast and the end was drawing near. Before the panel was over, there was a guest appearance by the Late Night With Conan O'Brien show's Pierre Bernard, a huge T.M.Revolution fan. Coming out and handing T.M.Revolution flowers, he said, "Mr. Nishikawa, I would like to be part of your entourage!"

After a brief exchange of conversation, Pierre Bernard said goodbye to T.M.Revolution and T.M.Revolution prepared to say goodbye to the audience.

Before you go, Mr. T.M.Revolution, you have such a wonderful fan base here and fantastic energy. Do you have any final message you'd like to tell your fans?

T.M.Revolution: Thank you very, very much for coming to this panel discussion. It's been four years since I’ve been to the States and I'm very, very excited to perform!

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Fan Q&A Session with T.M.Revolution at New York Comic Con © T.M. Revolution


Fan Q&A Session with T.M.Revolution at New York Comic Con

Comic Con attendees were given the chance to attend a Q&A panel with T.M.Revolution the morning of his first live performance in the US in four years.

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