Live Report

New Japanese Music Festival in Lithuania

20/07/2008 2008-07-20 12:00:00 JaME Author: v999d Translator: Norgaile

New Japanese Music Festival in Lithuania

A live report of the 'New Japanese Music Festival' in Lithuania at the end of April.

© v999d
On April 21st, Tatsuya Yoshida's and Makoto Kawabata's concert, "New Japanese Music Festival," took place at the Vilnius Little Drama Theater. The third musician, Atsuya Tsuyama, couldn't perform due to an illness, but this didn't stop the other two musicians being able to perform a spectacular and emotional show.

The audience was captivated and surprised from the very first song, AKATEN project. They were like magicians who created music using a camera, scissors, a zipper, wine bottle, toothbrush and some plastic bottles. The audience could hardly believe, that just the simple act of the tooth brush brushing, clicking of a camera button or wine drinking could become a part of an incredible music piece, but it could! The listeners were not just given the chance to hear it, but also to see the musicians calmly sipping wine on the stage thus creating this unique music!

The second, very emotional piece, RUINS ALONE project, was performed by the drummer Yoshida. Even though the drum solo was very long, people enjoyed it until the very last moment. The sound vibration, amazing technique and the emotions pouring from the drummer captivated everyone's attention and the audience held their breath until the last second of the song.

When the drums went silent, the audience could only hear the squeaking of Kawabata's finger played guitar; the next song, KAWABATA MAKOTO SOLO project. The sound was silent and careful, like a crouching tiger waiting for his prey. The guitar was also played using a metal wand and the sounds the guitar produced were becoming more and more deafening and dangerous until the prey was caught. The prey was us, the listeners. The music managed to get into the deepest parts of our mind and relax it completely--the only thing we knew was music. Amazing!

This unique pleasure was followed by an energetic piece performed by both artists, the ACID MOTHERS TEMPLE SWR project. Like a real rock star, the guitarist was head banging and getting wild on the stage, letting his emotions out through the music. His fingers played at the speed of lightning and finally both artists fell to the ground and began rolling around. Though they didn't stop playing even for a second! Emotional, energetic, crazy--that's important in psychedelic music!

After the psychedelic therapy, the artists took the microphones and came to the end of the stage and began to sing ZUBI ZUVA X project! After they had sung, danced, played and cheered the audience they simply disappeared. They had just vanished, without a good-bye, but maybe that's a good thing. Maybe this means that they'll be back someday; maybe together with the healed Atsuya Tsuyama. Let's hope they will because it is definitely a must to see them perform at least once in your lifetime!


Thanks to v999d for the photos.
