
camino - Nostalgia

12/08/2008 2008-08-12 12:00:00 JaME Author: Lacy

camino - Nostalgia

camino offers an excellent mix of emotion and rock with this single.

Single CD



Nostalgia is a stunning addition to Camino's discography. Offering the same emotion and essential rock sounds as previous Camino releases, it is all that fans have come to expect and more, a fine-tuning of heartfelt vocals and powerful rhythms that blend together to form a sound that is purely Camino.

A strong instrumental opening, preceded by a few strokes on RYOSUKE's keyboard acts as the introduction to Nostalgia. HAYATO sings in such a way that, though listeners may have never heard this song before, an inexplicable sense of nostalgia accompanies it. TAKA's bass and RYOSUKE's keyboard are highlighted, the elements of each distinct, rather than hidden amongst the other instruments. The pure sincerity of HAYATO's vocals is what makes this song not only powerful, but also achingly beautiful. An instrumental break shows off KIKU's guitar and RYOSUKE's keyboard, rounding out the longing atmosphere of the track.

The sounds of REHIT's drumming pound against growls from KIKU's guitar and the pulsing of TAKA's bass line in Drive. The song has the feeling of being an old school rock song, summoning images of a band that has paved the way for younger bands like Camino. HAYATO sings with assertiveness. While the verses don't show off the full potential of his voice, the chorus makes up for it and, either way, it is suited nicely to this almost classic sound. The instrumental section near the middle gives each of the guys a chance to show what he can do, and the solos emphasize each member's individual skills.

A remixed version of Nostalgia features a few electronic sounds and a more upbeat tempo. While the track doesn't do anything to improve upon a song that was beautifully produced to begin with, it is an interesting listen. The title track's instrumental counterpart closes out the release.

Camino's third single, Nostalgia, exhibits just what the title states: nostalgia. From the wistful vocals of the title track to the old school rock sounds of Drive, this release is likely to make listeners feel as though they are experiencing something they've felt before. It is nothing short of splendid and is highly recommended, not only to long-time fans of the band, but also to those who have yet to encounter the diverse and ever-expanding sounds of Camino.

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